Zwolle vs NEC Nijmegen live score, Head to Head, ZWO vs NEC live, Eredivisie, TV channels, Prediction

Zwolle vs NEC Nijmegen live score, Head to Head, ZWO vs NEC live, Eredivisie, TV channels, Prediction

Zwolle vs NEC Nijmegen live score, Head to Head, ZWO vs NEC live, Eredivisie, TV channels, Prediction

Zwolle vs NEC Nijmegen livescore, ZWO vs NEC, Eredivisie

ZWO vs NEC Live Score | ZWO vs NEC Team | ZWO vs NEC Lineup | ZWO vs NEC Player Stats | ZWO vs NEC Live soccer Score | ZWO vs NEC Live Scorecard | Zwolle vs NEC Nijmegen Live Streaming | Zwolle vs NEC Nijmegen | Eredivisie, 23/24 Live Score.

Zwolle vs NEC Nijmegen livescore match preview

Zwolle vs NEC Nijmegen livescore streaming will start on 09-12-23 at 19:00 pm at . They will play against each other in Eredivisie 23/24. It is going to be a thrilling game to watch. Stay with the BullsScore livescore till the end to finally witness the winner of the match between Zwolle vs NEC Nijmegen. This is the match of Eredivisie.

Eredivisie 23/24, will begin on 11-08-23 and end on 02-06-24. A total of 50 matches are scheduled to be played in this Eredivisie. A total of 18 teams will participate in this Eredivisie 23/24.

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Zwolle vs NEC Nijmegen live score match details

Date: 09-12-23

Match: Zwolle vs NEC Nijmegen livescore


Competition: Eredivisie

Zwolle vs NEC Nijmegen livescores, results

You can catch the livescore, player stats, scorecard and results of Zwolle vs NEC Nijmegen by clicking here: Zwolle vs NEC Nijmegen live score.

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Zwolle vs NEC Nijmegen Live streaming TV channels and live soccer scores

  • To watch the live coverage of the Eredivisie 23/24, I-cable, Viacom, Emtek, TDM, Astro, Singtel, VTV will provide the live streaming of the football matches and leagues in India and its subcontinent (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka). You need to get a subscription of the mentioned channels.
  • In the USA and Canada, soccer Viewers can watch Eredivisie 23/24 on willow TV, DZN, ESPN/BAMTech TV.
  • In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Football viewers can follow the live coverage, highlights, and international matches and leagues of Eredivisie 5s on Sportsklub
  • In Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Football viewers can follow the live coverage, highlights, and international matches of Eredivisie 23/24 on NENT.
  • In Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, and other European countries, Football viewers can follow the live coverage, highlights, and international matches of Eredivisie 23/24 on Eleven Sports, Nova Sport, Arena Sport, Digisport, Eleven sport, Bein Sport.
  • In Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Football viewers can follow the live coverage, highlights, and international matches of Eredivisie 23/24 on Setanta
  • In the middle east and North African countries, Football viewers can follow the live coverage, highlights, and international matches of Eredivisie 23/24 on beIN Sports, super sports.
  • In the Caribbean countries, Football viewers can follow the live coverage, highlights, and international matches of Eredivisie 23/24 on Sportmax.
  • In the Central American countries: Football viewers can follow the live coverage, highlights, and international matches of Eredivisie 23/24 on ESPN Sur.
  • In Australia, Football viewers can watch the live score and live streaming of Eredivisie 23/24 on Fox sports, Kayo sports, Foxtel now.
  • In New zealand, Football viewers can watch livescore of Eredivisie 23/24 sky sports NZ and talksport.

Zwolle vs NEC Nijmegen live streaming channels (country-wise)

India: Disney+ hotstar, sonyLiv, Discovery+, Jio TV

European Tv channals:

Balkans: Sportklub

Scandinavia: NENT

Rest of Europe: Eleven Sports, Nova Sport, beIN Sports, Eleven Sports

Eurasia: Setanta

Middle East & North Africa: BeIN Sports

Sub-Saharan Africa: ESPN Africa, Supersport, TStv,

Asia: i-Cable, Viacom, Emtek, TDM, Astro, Singtel, VTV

North America TV: DAZN, ESPN/BAMTech

Caribbean: Sportsmax

Central America: Sky Mexico

South America: ESPN Sur

Oceania: BeIN Sports

Zwolle vs NEC Nijmegen team squads / player lists

  • Zwolle :

Jasper Schendelaar, Mike Hauptmeijer, Kenneth Vermeer, Duke Verduin, Sam Kersten, Bram Van Polen, Thomas Lam, Lennart Czyborra, Anselmo Garcia MacNulty, Luis Gorlich, Damian Van Der Haar, Anouar El Azzouzi, Dave Johannes Andreas Van Den Berg, Odysseus Velanas, Eliano Reijnders, Zico Buurmeester, Nick Fichtinger, Dean Huiberts, Ryan Thomas, Anthony Fontana, Samir Lagsir, Lennart Thy, Ferdy Druijf, Younes Namli, Apostolos Vellios, Nicolas Serrano, Divaio Bobson

  • NEC Nijmegen :

Jasper Cillessen, Robin Roefs, Rijk Janse, Philippe Sandler, Bart van Rooij, Calvin Verdonk, Mathias Ross Jensen, Sai van Wermeskerken, Brayann Pereira, Bram Nuytinck, Luc Netten, D Leanu Arts, Magnus Mattsson, Lars Olden Larsen, Mees Hoedemakers, Roberto Gonzalez, Lasse Schone, Dirk Wanner Proper, Youri Baas, Daan Maas, Nils Rossen, Kodai Sano, Kas De Wit, Bas Dost, Koki Ogawa, Elayis Tavsan, Alexis Tibidi, Sontje Hansen, Selim Can Sonmez

Zwolle vs NEC Nijmegen best Choice For Captain And Vice-Captain

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Zwolle Vs NEC Nijmegen dream 11 fantasy prediction for today match

Goal-Keeper Jasper Schendelaar
Defender Luis Gorlich, Anouar El Azzouzi
Mid-Fielder Dean Huiberts, Magnus Mattsson, Lasse Schone, Youri Baas
Forward Ferdy Druijf, Younes Namli, Alexis Tibidi, Selim Can Sonmez