Zurks in Stray: The Cyberpunk Cat game

Zurks in Stray: The Cyberpunk Cat game
The cyberpunk cat game Stray is now available to play for fans on their respective PlayStation and Windows devices. The game allows players to play as a cat who is lost in a futuristic city from its family. Players need to complete the journey of the cat to find its family in the chaotic world in which robots and creatures are roaming around.
The storyline of the game starts with the cat stuck between some paranoid robots in an underground dystopia. Despite looking dangerous, they do not cause any harm to the cat. However, there are some creatures in the deepest and darkest corner of the dystopia which definitely will cause some serious trouble in the journey of the feline protagonist. These creatures are known as “Zurks”.
However, the cat might be in danger with these Zurks in the deep jungles of dystopian lands but it gets a helping hand from a drone named B-12. The drone B-12 is not a pathmaker for the feline protagonist it also acts as a translator.
What are Zurks in Stray? How do they affect the Cat in the game?
In essence, zurks are monsters who live in the city’s sewer system. Players must carry out numerous tasks using the cat’s skills while the cat battles various monsters in the game. The cat can be made to jump, crawl, leap, and cause trouble in the robot city before escaping and rejoining its family.
The cat protagonist’s most significant traveling companion is the B-12 drone robot. Players can communicate with Robots in the city’s underground dystopia with the use of drones. In addition, players can learn about the history of the city and the Zurks, a group of creatures who reside in the city’s seediest neighborhood.
According to the storyline of the game, Zurks are basically the mutated version of the bacteria that was developed due to waste thrown by a corporation. Zurks consume anything which comes in their way whether it is organic or inorganic means of life. The Zurks are the only threat to the cat in the game that can overpower the character and can force to make the game over for the players. Players then need to restart from the last checkpoint which they completed.
In the storyline of the cyberpunk cat game, there was an organization before the city goes into dystopia, called Neco Corp. The Neco Corp was supposed to manage the waste in the city but it failed and the waste was overloading the slums from the upper society. To dispose of the waste, Neco Corp created a bacteria which later on turned into Zurks and started eating anything that comes into their way.
However, the zurks find a home for themselves and started to live in the underground sewer away from the populated area. Therefore, robots are living a safe life without any threat caused by Zurks. On the other hand, the cat has to roam around the city including areas populated with these creatures to find its aim.
At the start of the game, the cat has no weapons and accessories to fight the Zurks. The cat only has a wet coat which only helps when Zurks jumps on the back of the feline protagonist. However, the cat and B-12 will subsequently produce an intriguing-looking robot named “Doc,” who will give gamers in Stray strong weaponry to defeat these foes.
The game Stray is now available worldwide on all the major platforms, and PS Plus Extra and Premium customers can play Stray for free.