5 Times WWE Universe Went into Action

WWE Universe supports their favorite Superstar but there are times when a fan gets involved and cross the line of rules and they attack a WWE Superstar or threw objects inside the ring to show their anger. Something like this happened in Brooklyn recently during the commercial breaks on Monday Night Raw when a fan jumped out barricade and attacked Seth Rollins. Another one was when Daniel Bryan asked his fans to promote the Yes Movement and they hijacked the ring.
Throwing MITB briefcase in the ring
This incident took place during a live event match between Roman Reigns and Braun Strowman when a fan from the crowd throw a duplicate MITB (Money in the Banks) briefcase and it lands on the back of Reign’s head.

Hijack WWE Ring
This incident took place during a Monday Night Raw episode before WrestleMania 30 when Daniel Bryan and his fans occupied the ring and forced Authority (Triple H and Stephanie McMahon) to accept Bryan’s challenge for a WWE World Heavyweight match at WrestleMania.

Jump out of the barricades
This incident took place during the commercial break of WWE Monday Night Raw when a WWE Universe member jump out of the barricades and attacked Seth Rollins. Luckily WWE officials and security staff got them separated.

Throwing Bottles on Female Superstars
There are multiple incidents like this when WWE Universe throw water bottles at Female Superstars. One such incident took place during a live event when Natalya was walking down the ramp and someone from the crowd throw a water bottle at her. Luckily she didn’t get hurt. Another one is when the same incident happened to Stephanie McMahon, She didn’t get hurt but her father Mr. Vince McMahon (Former CEO and Chairman of WWE) decides to punish that person and sent security out to find out who did it against a cash price for the one who helps them.

John Stewart’s attack on Cena
This incident took place during the Champion vs Champion ‘Winner Takes All match’ at Summerslam 2015 when John Stewart attacked John Cena with a steel chair and helped Seth Rollins to take advantage and win WWE World Heavyweight and WWE United States titles.

Read More: U.S. Championship Title Open Challenge