World of Warcraft Dragonflight Professions Stats Explained

At first glance, Dragonflight appears to be an impressive expansion that aims to address long-standing player requests for improvements to the overall gameplay experience in World of Warcraft. The expansion includes the exciting addition of Dragonriding to the standard questing activities, as well as a comprehensive overhaul of the profession system, which had remained largely unchanged for years.
One of the key changes implemented in Dragonflight is the introduction of profession-specific gear, which is immediately available to players as they engage in their chosen profession. This gear not only enhances the overall fantasy of the profession but also plays a significant role in player progression. By granting profession-specific stats that impact crafting speed, item quantity, and other profession-related activities, this gear is essential to advancing within the profession.
Professions Stats in WoW: Dragonflight
To provide further clarity on profession stats in Dragonflight, it’s worth noting that they are a type of secondary stat that is directly tied to a player’s professional gear. These stats provide bonuses that are specifically designed to enhance a player’s ability to gather and craft items within their chosen profession. The specific profession stats available in Dragonflight will vary depending on whether a player has a crafting or gathering profession. For players with crafting professions such as Blacksmithing, Enchanting, Engineering, Inscription, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking, and Tailoring, the available stats will include Inspiration, Resourcefulness, Multicraft, and Crafting Speed. These stats are intended to improve the player’s crafting efficiency and speed, allowing them to create more items with greater ease.
For players with gathering professions such as Herbalism, Mining, or Skinning, the available stats will include Finesse, Deftness, and Perception. These stats are geared toward improving the player’s ability to gather materials, such as increasing the yield of gathered resources or reducing the time it takes to gather them. By tailoring professional stats to the specific needs of each profession, Dragonflight aims to create a more engaging and rewarding gameplay experience for all players, regardless of their chosen profession.
Crafting Profession Stats
- Inspiration: You have an x percent chance to be inspired, crafting this recipe with extra skill.
- Resourcefulness: You have an x percent chance to use fewer tradable reagents.
- Multicraft: You have an x percent chance to craft additional items. Only works on recipes for stackable items.
- Crafting Speed: Crafting is x percent faster.
Gathering Profession Stats
- Finesse: You have an x percent chance to gather more of the primary reagent found here.
- Deftness: Increases your gathering speed.
- Perception: Increases your ability to spot rare reagents while gathering.
In World of Warcraft’s Dragonflight expansion, players can equip up to three pieces of professional gear to benefit from the professional stats they provide. While players can craft most of their professional gear themselves, they may still need to order one or two pieces from other crafters in order to complete their set. For example, a Blacksmith may need to seek out a Leatherworker to obtain an apron.
As players and their designated crafters level up their professions and create higher-quality items, they will be able to craft better professional gear that grants even more powerful stats. This progression encourages players to invest in their chosen professions and works toward improving their crafting abilities, in order to unlock the full potential of their professional gear and become more effective within their chosen profession.
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