Which Pokemon to Pick: Cacnea, Gulpin, or Surskit in Pokemon Go Tour

Lately, Niantic has been introducing segmented Special Research in its Pokemon Go events, and the latest one, Pokemon Go Tour: Hoenn, is no exception. As a result, players will have to make a decision that will impact the rewards they receive during gameplay and as they finish research assignments. During the Go Tour: Hoenn event, the Chasing Legends Special Research is the lengthiest research assignment that won’t be extended beyond the event. This particular research offers various rewards, including additional Groudon and Kyogre Candy, regardless of the Ruby or Sapphire Ticket allegiance choices made by players.
The most crucial decision in Go Tour: Hoenn, apart from the version-exclusive content, involves three seemingly unexpected Pokemon – Gulpin, Surskit, and Cacnea. Each of these Pokemon is featured in at least one segment of the event, and choosing one of them will determine the rewards you receive from the Special Research.
If you’re concerned about making the right decision, below is an overview of all three options for Pokemon:
Exploring the Rewards of Cacnea, Gulpin, and Surskit in the Pokemon Go Tour
Although the decision may seem significant, it primarily depends on personal preference or which Pokemon you want to capture more. The selection process occurs on the second page of the Chasing Legends Special Research and only impacts the third page. After selecting your preferred Pokemon, the subsequent research page will require you to catch five of the chosen Pokemon, and the basic task rewards will also provide an additional encounter with that Pokemon.
However, beyond that, the selected Pokemon doesn’t significantly impact the research. The ultimate prize in the Chasing Legends Special Research will rely on whether you hold a Ruby or Sapphire Ticket, as you can earn 200 Primal Energy for Groudon or Kyogre, respectively, by completing this research. And, the catch is that you will only receive 200 Primal Energy for the Pokemon connected to your chosen ticket version.
Hence, it’s essential to choose wisely based on the Legendary Pokemon you intend to use the most. The only other impact of choosing Gulpin, Surskit, or Cacnea is that the selected Pokemon will be more frequently attracted to Incense. Although a small reward, it’s still a nice bonus.
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