Warzone 2: how to do much better in 5 simple tips

Warzone 2: how to do much better in 5 simple tips

<strong>Warzone 2: how to do much better in 5 simple tips</strong>

Warzone 2: how to do much better in 5 simple tips

Call of Duty Warzone 2 now has excellent new additions, which include a new map, mode, vehicles, gulag, and new features. Unlike other COD maps, Al Mazrah, the new Warzone 2 map is huge, allowing players to loot, and compete. At the end of the game, only one player must be alive, making the game very competitive.

Nevertheless, some simple tips will help you do better in this game. Whether you want to win regularly or wish to have an edge in Warzone 2, these tips are your pathway to improving in this title. Also, if you’d like to access pro tools for Warzone 2 seasons, check out these Warzone 2 hacks.

Now, let’s dive into the simple tips to do much better in Warzone 2. 

5 Simple Tips to do much better

  1. Know where you are first

Exploring your environment should be your #1 priority. Thanks to the latest loadout system that allows you to follow a detailed exploration pattern. For instance, if you come across a Police Department, you will find defensive items (gas masks, armor plates) and special weapons. 

You can find self-revive injectors in first aid kits around malls, stores, or bathrooms. For fresh wine, you can visit the pantry. This new system makes looting easier as you can quickly locate anything you need in relevant areas. The items you find around these places will help you do better in your game.

  1. Don’t reside to fate.

No matter how hurt you are, don’t reside to fate. This means seize every moment you have in Warzone 2, whether in pain or not. If you’re downed but still alive, ensure you don’t stick around that environment. The enemy combatant will rush to eliminate you. So, if you move, you’ll live and have the opportunity to heal and continue the game.

Interestingly, Warzone 2 removed fall damage for injured players. So, even if you’re injured while on a rooftop, jump off to the ground and face no consequences. This will give you more mobility and a chance to return the attack. 

  1. Use enemy information against their team

When you down an enemy, and he’s still alive, getting closer to him will give you the option to interrogate him. It takes some seconds of the animation to complete the interrogation, after which the right position of his teammates will appear on the mini-map.  

Once you’ve gained this knowledge, devise your attack strategy and strike. Furthermore, you can use the proximity chat to eavesdrop on enemies. This new feature can also help you identify enemies around you, as their names will appear on your screen (the left side).

  1. Get your hands on reliable weapons.

Instead of picking newly unlocked weapons, start your game with weapons you understand and can use. It gives you an edge in gunfights. So, if you’re jumping into Warzone 2, start your adventure with the M4 or something you can easily use.

You can upgrade your weapon, add attachments, and customize your loadouts. Also, if you reach the maximum upgrade for that weapon, jump to another one. It allows you to learn a wide range of weapons in no time and still improve your gameplay.

  1. Complete contracts to earn more cash.

Completing contracts is one of the easiest means of earning cash quickly. Besides cash, as you move around in the game, you can find valuable loot zones to collect ideal items. However, you must understand how Warzone 2 contracts work. There are four types of contracts in this game: Most Wanted, Secure Intel, Safecracker, and Bounties. 

Most Wanted makes you prey for every player on the map. You get your cash reward if you can survive their attacks for three minutes. Secure Intel shows you an item you must find and safely return to a destination. 

Safecracker shows you a few safes to blast open and collect rewards. At the same time, Bounties marks a player on the map for you to eliminate. Completing these contracts will leave you with huge cash and material rewards.


Warzone 2 is a competitive game with alluring and thrilling experiences simultaneously. Stay calm if you’re not up to standard yet. Once you start a new game with these tips, you’ll experience an advanced improvement over time. 

To do much better in Warzone 2, get accustomed to your surroundings, don’t reside to fate, use enemies’ info against them, and grab reliable weapons. More importantly, complete contracts to earn more cash. You’ll need to purchase or upgrade your weapons at some point in the game.