USWNT Player Trinity Rodman Doesn’t Share Good Relationship With Her Dad, Dennis

USWNT Player Trinity Rodman Doesn’t Share Good Relationship With Her Dad, Dennis

USWNT Player Trinity Rodman Doesn’t Share Good Relationship With Her Dad, Dennis

USWNT Player Trinity Rodman Doesn't Share Good Relationship With Her Dad, Dennis

USWNT player Trinity Rodman reveals in her Instagram post that she doesn’t share a great relationship with her father Dennis Rodman.

The former Legendary NBA star Dennis Rrodman’s daughter Trinity chose different path and create her own identity in Women’s soccer national team.

21-year-old Trinity  also signed a record-setting contract with D.C. for more than $1.1 million in 2022. Trinity is one of the 23 women athlete listed for the 2023 world cup roster program. On that achievement she got the congratulations from the legendary NBA star, Shaquille O’Neal. 

There is another legendary Basketball player Dennis Rodman shares the father-daughter relationsip with Trinity. Trinity already shred her hardship with her father in early 2021 on one of her Instagram post.

When longtime Chicago Bulls star Dennis rodman showed up in NWSL game to surprise her dughter. Trinity took instagram and revealed about her relationship with her father in 2021.

She wrote in 2021, “Yes Dennis Rodman showed up to an Nwsl game, but also my dad, after YEARS surprised me at a big game in my career, I was shocked, overwhelmed, happy, sad, everything. My dad doesn’t play a big role in my life at all and most people don’t know that, we don’t see eye to eye on many things. I go months if not years without his presence or communication,”

“Being in spotlights has been hard for us, him and me. We don’t have the best relationship, but at the end of the day he’s human I’m human… he’s my dad, and I’m his little girl that will never change. I will improve and look forward everyday as I hope he does.”

However, over the years both father and daughter improved their relationship.

The United States Women’s National Team is ready to take off for this year’s FIFA 2023 Women’s World Cup scheduled in New Zealand. Recently, the National Women’s Soccer League shared the heartwarming video of players reading letters from family.

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