Top 18 Weapons for a Faith-Build in Elden Ring

Perhaps many Tarnished are still without a maiden because they lack faith. A visit to the Dragon Communion Church or a generous blessing from Turtle Pope Miriel isn’t enough to enhance one’s faith. Instead, Tarnished need to unleash heavenly fury on their enemies or set themselves ablaze to become a skilled cleric in Elden Ring.
If that’s not enough, a sacred powerful weapon can help, especially when prayers and divine wrath don’t deplete that red bar. The Elden Ring community has shown that faith builds can be as formidable as magic or bleed builds. To achieve this, it’s essential to increase faith and gather these divine (or sacrilegious) weapons to teach those maidenless foes a lesson.
With constant balancing and updates from the developers, Elden Ring faith builds are now as practical as any other playstyle, if not more so. Launching lightning or fire at unsuspecting enemies in both PvE and PvP never loses its charm. That’s why faith-build weapons are always sought after in Elden Ring. Many of these weapons are quite effective and can channel divine wrath on your foes in multiple ways. Explore these additional Elden Ring faith-build weapons to diversify your playstyle.
#18 Blade Of Calling
- Initial Scaling- Strength – D; Dexterity – D; Faith – C
- Location- Elevator entrance near the Forbidden Lands Site of Grace
- Damage Type- Physical/Holy
- Weapon Skill- Blade of Gold

Many see the Blade Of Calling as a less powerful weapon compared to its darker alternative, the Black Knife. However, the Blade Of Calling earns extra style points for its weapon skill, Blade of Gold, which fires a golden arc projectile at the enemy in a smooth, elegant animation.
The Blade Of Calling is not a weak weapon—it actually has a more reliable poise break and interrupts compared to the Black Knife. As long as players don’t use it for PvP, it’s safe to build faith around this weapon.
#17 Golden Order Sword
- Initial Scaling- Strength – E; Dexterity – D; Faith – C
- Location- Misbegotten Crusader in the Cave of the Forlorn (Consecrated Snowfield)
- Damage Type- Physical/Holy
- Weapon Skill- Establish Order

The Golden Order Sword is a legendary weapon in Elden Ring, taking some time before players can acquire it. It’s the Faith version of the Dark Moon Greatsword, but with a less effective weapon skill, as it doesn’t grant a long-lasting infusion to weapon attacks.
Nevertheless, the Golden Order Sword is visually striking and can permanently eliminate undead enemies once they’re defeated with this weapon. It also deals more damage to foes, and many players hope to see it featured extensively in the upcoming Elden Ring DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree.
#16 Godslayer’s Seal
- Initial Scaling– Strength – E; Faith – C
- Location- Stonesword Key lock near the Rampart Tower in Stormveil Castle
- Damage Type- Physical/Incantation Scaling
- Weapon Skill- None

The Godslayer’s Seal is an essential weapon for rebellious pyromancers who employ underhanded tactics against the gods. The Godslayer’s Seal strengthens Godslayer Incantations, including Black Flame, Black Flame Ritual, and Scouring Black Flame.
All three spells are handy against bosses, as each hit triggers damage over time. This damage-over-time also scales with the target’s HP, similar to the Black Knife’s weapon skill. Buffing these incantations with the Godslayer’s Seal makes them even stronger.
#15 Gravel Stone Seal
- Initial Scaling- Strength – E; Faith – C
- Location- Near the West Capital Rampart Site of Grace in Leyndell, dropped by the Leyndell Knight with a spear
- Damage Type- Physical/Incantation Scaling
- Weapon Skill- None

Faith builds in Elden Ring can also tap into their inner dragons with the game’s wide array of Dragon Cult Incantations. These are primarily dragon variants of lightning skills, making them impressively powerful and flashy. Players can benefit from stacking buffs for such a build.
Therefore, if you plan to use the more powerful dragon lightning spells, you must have the Gravel Stone Seal. There are numerous such spells, and some can even be exploited to defeat certain bosses with specific builds in one shot.
#14 Erdtree Seal
- Initial Scaling– Faith – C
- Location- Corpse near the Omenkiller enemy near the Prison Town Church Site of Grace in Volcano Manor
- Damage Type- Physical/Incantation Scaling
- Weapon Skill- None

For a Faith build, the more direct approach is to stack incantation scaling with the highest universal multiplier or additive available. This boost comes from the Erdtree Seal, reserved for the most devout Elden Ring builds.
It is one of the few seals in the game that reaches S scaling for Faith once fully improved, requiring a hefty 40 Faith. For many players not running specific or niche Faith builds, the Erdtree Seal serves as an excellent default choice.
#13 Golden Halberd
- Initial Scaling- Strength – D; Dexterity – E; Faith – D
- Location- Tree Sentinel in Limgrave
- Damage Type- Physical/Holy
- Weapon Skill- Golden Vow

One of Elden Ring’s early bosses holds the key to a powerful build, as it drops the Golden Halberd as a reward. While slow, its reach and the Golden Vow buff are sure to impress Confessor or Prophet characters.
As primarily a Faith weapon, the holy damage is effective for permanently defeating undead enemies. In the late game, the split damage might struggle against high resistances and defenses, but the Golden Vow buff helps counteract this issue.
#12 Giant’s Seal
- Initial Scaling- Strength – E; Faith – C
- Location- Giant-Conquering Hero’s Grave in Mountaintops of the Giants
- Damage Type- N/A
- Weapon Skill- N/A

True to its name, the Giant’s Seal significantly boosts Incantations. With +25 and 80 Faith, it grants a remarkable 300+ buff to Faith spells. Although it’s only obtainable late in the game, the payoff is worth it, making it an excellent replacement for other seals.
Additionally, the Giant’s Seal has a passive effect that increases the damage of Fire Giant Incantations. While there are only a few of these in the game, they’re all potent, particularly when paired with talismans that enhance Incantations and fire damage.
#11 Halo Scythe
- Initial Scaling- Strength – D; Dexterity – D; Faith – E
- Location- Scythe-wielding Cleanrot Knights just south of the Heart of Aeonia, Caelid
- Damage Type- Holy/Physical
- Weapon Skill- Miquella’s Ring of Light

Initially, the Halo Scythe has poor Faith scaling, but it improves to D at the maximum upgrade level. The weapon skill is ideal for switching between fighting styles, as it’s a deadly ranged halo projectile that’s difficult to dodge.
The Halo Scythe is ideal for this kind of weapon skill because it has a greater range than the Ash of War variant. Players should have a close-quarters substitute ready because the scythe isn’t suited to enclosed, limited places.
#10 Frenzied Flame Seal
- Initial Scaling- Strength – E; Dexterity – E; Intelligence – E; Faith – D
- Location- End of Hyetta’s questline during Lord of Chaos playthrough
- Damage Type- N/A
- Weapon Skill- N/A

Acquiring the Frenzied Flame Seal can be challenging, as it necessitates a dedicated Chaos playthrough (which cancels out all other endings). However, considering the power of Frenzied Flame Incantations, this seal is well worth the effort.
The Frenzied Flame Seal passively boosts all Frenzied Flame Incantations, enabling powerful combos due to the spells’ low FP cost. Players must be cautious of the Madness build-up.
#9 Dragon Communion Seal
- Initial Scaling- Faith – D; Arcane – C
- Location- Fringefolk Hero’s Grave near the tutorial area
- Damage Type- N/A
- Weapon Skill- N/A

Similar to the two seals above, the Dragon Communion Seal is a specialized off-hand casting tool for Dragon Communion Incantations. Obtaining it requires two Stonesword Keys to unlock the dungeon in the starting area.
The scaling is somewhat unusual but supports a Fire/Bleed hybrid, making it effective with powerful weapons like Mogwyn’s Sacred Spear. The Dragon Communion Seal also enhances some potent fire spells that scale well into the endgame.
#8 Erdtree Bow
- Initial Scaling- Strength – E; Dexterity – E; Faith – D
- Location- Chest near Erdtree Sanctuary site in Leyndell, Royal Capital
- Damage Type- Physical/Holy
- Weapon Skill- Mighty Shot

The Erdtree Bow proves that holy archers are a viable option. Dealing more holy than physical damage eliminates the need for special arrows. With proper adjustments, it enables a full-fledged bow build, which is quite uncommon in Souls games.
The Mighty Shot Ashes of War lets players handle shielded enemies and deal significant damage to some bosses. Although it can’t be replaced, the weapon skill is versatile, making it a valuable addition to any player’s arsenal.
#7 Black Knife
- Initial Scaling- Strength – E; Dexterity – D; Faith – D
- Location- Black Knife Assassin at the entrance of Sainted Hero’s Grave, in Altus Plateau
- Damage Type- Holy/Physical
- Weapon Skill- Blade of Death

The Black Knife is the Destined Death counterpart of the Blade of Calling and surpasses its golden relative thanks to its weapon skill. Blade of Death is a red projectile that reduces the target’s HP by 10 percent for 15 seconds upon hit.
Additionally, it inflicts damage over time. Resembling a miniature version of Maliketh’s explosion ability, it proves to be deadly and difficult to handle in PvP. In PvE, it excels at reducing boss HP from a safe distance.
#6 Envoy’s Long Horn
- Initial Scaling- Strength – D; Dexterity – D, Faith – D
- Location- Large Oracle Envoy in the East Capital Rampart in Leyndell, Royal Capital
- Damage Type- Holy/Physical
- Weapon Skill- Bubble Shower

Despite its seemingly silly weapon skill, the Envoy’s Long Horn is a formidable choice in capable hands. The skill rains down a storm of golden bubbles, dealing Holy damage upon impact. This makes it an ideal Faith-based weapon for taking on larger enemies or bosses.
With impressive scaling for high Faith builds, the Envoy’s Long Horn pairs well with the Blasphemous Blade. Even without the weapon skill, the horn is effective for strike damage and useful against a variety of enemies.
#5 Sacred Relic Sword
- Initial Scaling- Strength – E; Dexterity – D, Faith – D
- Location- Enia at Roundtable Hold after defeating Radagon/Elden Beast
- Damage Type- Holy/Physical
- Weapon Skill- Wave of Gold

The Sacred Relic Sword is one of the last weapons unlocked by players, requiring the soul of the final boss. Thankfully, it lives up to its cost, becoming one of the best farming weapons in the game.
The Wave of Gold weapon skill sends out a forward-moving wave of golden light, inflicting significant area damage. This makes it the perfect weapon for dealing with Albinaurics in the popular Mohgwyn Palace farming spot.
#4 Maliketh’s Black Blade
- Initial Scaling- Strength – D; Dexterity – E, Faith – D
- Location- Enia at Roundtable Hold after defeating Maliketh
- Damage Type- Holy/Physical
- Weapon Skill- Destined Death

Maliketh’s Black Blade is a larger, more substantial version of the Black Knife, featuring a similar weapon skill but with increased area damage and a longer windup. The Destined Death skill causes a large explosion, releasing multiple red blades.
Enemies trapped in the blast radius will have a 15-second HP reduction of 10% and take damage over time. The weapon itself is strong, making it a good option for Paladin or Strength/Faith hybrid builds.
#3 Winged Scythe
- Initial Scaling- Strength – E, Dexterity D, Faith – D
- Location- Tombsward Ruins in Weeping Peninsula
- Damage Type- Physical/Holy
- Weapon Skill- Angel’s Wings

The Winged Scythe is a highly underrated weapon that can provide a significant boost to Faith builds aiming for overpowered status later on. Though slower than other scythes, its impressive skill compensates by dealing holy damage over a large area, making it effective against multiple targets.
The scythe excels against lightly armored enemies, as it has inherent Bleed damage. Combine this with the weapon skill’s multiple hits, and Faith builds can easily exploit the powerful Bleed effect.
#2 Godslayer’s Greatsword
- Initial Scaling– Strength – D; Dexterity – D, Faith – D
- Location- Divine Tower of Caelid
- Damage Type- Physical/Fire
- Weapon Skill- The Queen’s Black Flame

For paladins who want a break from dealing with Holy damage, the Godslayer’s Greatsword is an excellent choice. Obtainable after a challenging boss fights in a tough area, the reward is well worth it. As a Colossal Weapon, the Godslayer’s Greatsword staggers enemies effectively.
The weapon skill infuses the sword with abundant Black Flame, increasing its range before executing powerful diagonal slashes. Since fire damage can be easily buffed by talismans and other Incantations, this weapon has the potential to become overpowering.
#1 Blasphemous Blade
- Initial Scaling- Strength – D, Dexterity-D, Faith-D
- Location- Enia at Roundtable Hold after defeating Rykard
- Damage Type- Physical/Fire
- Weapon Skill- Taker’s Flames

When it comes to great Faith weapons with overpowered potential, the Blasphemous Blade takes the top spot. As a boss weapon, its immense power can make boss fights much easier. The weapon skill, Taker’s Flames, deals incredible amounts of fire damage.
In combination with its impressive scaling, the Blasphemous Blade is an excellent choice for Faith builds seeking both versatility and power. With its formidable weapon skill, it’s an asset for any player seeking to dominate the battlefield.
Talismans, Incantations, and the Physick Flask can all be used to easily boost that. Taker’s Flames can cause 4,000–6,000 points of fire damage in a single hit if players are creative and resourceful enough. Once they do, the majority of bosses won’t endure repeated attacks.
Elden Ring is available for PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.
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