Teenage Cheerleader Callie Marie Mitchell Dies After Found Unresponsive At Texas A&M Camp

Texas teenage cheerleader Callie Marie Mitchell died after she was found unresponsive at the cheer camp.
An unwanted incident happened this week. 16-year-old Callie Marie Mitchell of Morton Ranch High School was found unresponsive at the school campus on August 1. Reportedly Callie suffered from a medical condition at cheer Texas A&M camp. Mitchell was then airlifted to the Texas Children’s Hospital, where she later died,
Via a New York Post, Callie’s father Scott Donahue explained that Callie may have suffered a cardiac arrest brought on by Long QT syndrome – a condition that can cause an increased risk of irregular heartbeats and serious, sudden health issues.
Scott said, “Probably what happened was a cardiac arrest that was caused by Long QT syndrome,” a condition which can be bought on EKG.
He said, “For any other parents out there, you know they do physicals every year… EKGs are not part of a physical… get an EKG.”
Donahue also requested all the children’s parents to get their children one on top of their regular physicals.
To honor the late Callie Marie Mitchell Morton Ranch High School released a tribute earlier this week.
The school wrote on Instagram, “KATY MOURNS: Callie Mitchell brought light into this world and while her legacy will live on, those who knew her will pay respects this week…”
Our Hearts and thoughts are with Mitchell’s family and friends.
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