Steps to Defeat Ghost-type Pokemon in Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go is an AR-based E-Game developed and published by Niantic Inc. It was initially released in July 2016 and has already won multiple awards including The Game Award for Best Family Game in 2016, The Game Award for Best Mobile/Handheld Game in 2016, and BAFTA Games Award for Mobile & Handheld Game in 2017. In this game, the key feature of Pokemon is their typing. There are a total of 18 typing in the game and in this article, I am going to discuss one of them ‘Ghost-type Pokemon’, and share the steps and tips to defeat this type in the battle.
Introduction of Ghost-type Pokemon

In Pokemon Go, a Pokemon can have one or two types and also there are two categories of typings (Tera-types and Fight-types). And, There are a total of 38 Ghost-type Pokemon species (counting those being Ghost-type in at least one form). There are 46 regular forms and 2 Mega Evolution, 11 of them are purely Ghost-type. Here is the list of all Ghost-type Pokemon:
1. Gastly
2. Haunter
3. Gengar
4. Mega Gengar
5. Marowak
6. Alolan
7. Misdreavus
8. Shedinja
9. Sableye
10. Shuppet
11. Banette
12. Mega Banette
13. Duskull
14. Dusclops
15. Drifloon
16. Drifblim
17. Mismagius
18. Spiritomb
19. Dusknoir
20. Froslass
21. Giratina Altered Forme
22. Giratina Origin Forme
23. Yamask
24. Yamask Galarian
25. Cofagrigus
26. Frillish
27. Jellicent
28. Litwick
29. Lampent
30. Chandelure
31. Golett
32. Golurk
33. Phantump
34. Trevenant
35. Pumpkaboo
36. Gourgeist
37. Hoopa
38. Decidueye
39. Oricorio
40. Lunala
41. Runerigus
42. Gimmighoul
43. Gholdengo
Steps to Defeat Ghost-Type Pokemon
There are a total of two types that Ghost-type Pokemon can’t resist in a battle. These are 1. Dark, and 2. Ghost. Yes, Ghost-type Pokemon itself is a weakness in a battle. It means if you’ve Dark-type Pokemon in your team that can help you to defeat Ghost-type in a battle.
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