Sony encourages good posture for gamers with a new patent

Sony, the parent company of PlayStation, has filed a patent for a game intervention system that would remind gamers to take a break and improve their posture during gaming sessions. The patent was discovered by OpAttack and appears to have been filed a few years ago, although it’s unclear whether it will ever be rolled out.

The patent suggests that the game intervention system would evaluate players’ posture and physical movements using learning models. If players are detected to be engaging in repetitive, unbalanced, or excessive motions, the system would make recommendations for breaks, stretches, and warm-up/cool-down exercises, as well as curbing extended periods of play.
Notifications to improve posture
The notifications to improve posture and take breaks would appear on the screen in the form of notifications, allowing players to pause the game without exiting. The idea is to prevent players from engaging in all-night gaming sessions, especially if they’ve been sitting in the same position for too long.
The system can be toggled on and off
If this game intervention system is ever rolled out, it’s likely that players will be able to toggle it on and off. While this idea has been developed with the best interests of gamers in mind, it may not appeal to everyone. Some players might find the constant reminders to take breaks and improve posture disruptive to their gaming experience.

Patents don’t always become a reality
It’s important to note that not all patents become a reality. PlayStation has filed various patents in recent years, some of which have been implemented and others that have not. This game intervention system might never see the light of day.
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