Sombra’s Abilities Receive a Long-Awaited Nerf in Overwatch 2

Sombra’s Abilities Receive a Long-Awaited Nerf in Overwatch 2

Sombra’s Abilities Receive a Long-Awaited Nerf in Overwatch 2

Blizzard has revealed that they are working on changes to Sombra in Overwatch 2. This comes as her buffs have caused division among fans, with some finding her abilities frustrating to play against. Lead hero designer Alec Dawson has stated that the team is looking to “alleviate some of the frustration” associated with Sombra’s stealth and teleporting abilities.

Sombra in Overwatch 2
Sombra in Overwatch 2

Why is Sombra being changed?

Sombra’s permanent stealth and mobility have caused frustration for many players, as she can easily get away and become invisible indefinitely. Dawson has revealed that the team is looking to address these issues by potentially reworking or removing one of her abilities altogether.

What changes could be made to Sombra?

It’s unclear what changes will be made to Sombra, but Dawson has suggested that the team may revert to some of her original Overwatch mechanics, which put a time limit on her invisibility. Sombra could also receive a new move to make up for any abilities that are reworked or removed.

Will Sombra still be fun to play?

Dawson has stressed that the team wants to ensure that Sombra is still enjoyable to play and that her mains are being kept in mind during the changes. The team does not want to simply nerf her and make her less fun to play but instead is looking for ways to improve the overall match quality.

What can players expect from these changes?

Players can expect a shift in Sombra’s abilities, potentially making her less frustrating to play against. The changes may also make Sombra mains have to adjust to a new playstyle, but the team is aiming to ensure that she is still enjoyable to play. Overall, the changes are aimed at improving the match quality for all players.

In conclusion, Sombra’s changes in Overwatch 2 are being made in response to player feedback and frustrations. While it’s unclear what changes will be made, the team is looking to ensure that Sombra is still fun to play, and that match quality is improved for all players. Players can look forward to potentially seeing a shift in Sombra’s abilities, making her less frustrating to play against.

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