Torino Soccer team, Torino livescore, schedules, results, player stats, player records
# Player Role
1Karol LinettyKarolMidfielder
2Duvan ZapataDuvanForward
3Adam MasinaAdamDefender
4Antonio SanabriaAntonioForward
5Guillermo MaripanGuillermoDefender
6Valentino LazaroValentinoMidfielder
7Borna SosaBornaDefender
8Antonio DonnarummaAntonioGoalkeeper
9Cristiano BiraghiCristianoDefender
10Yann KaramohYannForward
11Vanja Milinkovic SavicVanjaGoalkeeper
12Pietro PellegriPietroForward
13Adrien TamezeAdrienMidfielder
14Nikola VlasicNikolaMidfielder
15Perr SchuursPerrDefender
16Eljif ElmasEljifMidfielder
17Ivan IlicIvanMidfielder
18Che AdamsCheForward
19Alberto PaleariAlbertoGoalkeeper
20Marcus Holmgren PedersenMarcusMidfielder
21Sebastian WalukiewiczSebastianDefender
22Samuele RicciSamueleMidfielder
23Nicola RautiNicolaForward
24Pietro PassadorPietroGoalkeeper
25Brian Jephte BayeyeBrianMidfielder
26Demba SeckDembaMidfielder
27Saba SazonovSabaDefender
28Saul CocoSaulDefender
29Emirhan IlkhanEmirhanMidfielder
30Amine SalamaAmineForward
31Cesare CasadeiCesareMidfielder
32Zannetos SavvaZannetosForward
33Mihai PopaMihaiGoalkeeper
34Gvidas GineitisGvidasMidfielder
35Kevin HaveriKevinMidfielder
36Ange Caumenan N GuessanAngeDefender
37Ali DembeleAliDefender
38Aaron CiammaglichellaAaronMidfielder
39Alessandro DellavalleAlessandroDefender
40Matteo BrezzoMatteoGoalkeeper
41Jacopo AntoliniJacopoDefender
42Jonathan SilvaJonathanMidfielder
43Come Bianay BalcotComeDefender
44Alieu Eybi NjieAlieuMidfielder
45Marco Dalla VecchiaMarcoMidfielder
46Francesco Dell AquilaFrancescoForward
47Tommaso GabelliniTommasoForward
48Edoardo ZaiaEdoardoDefender
49Sergiu PerciunSergiuMidfielder
50Alessio RaballoAlessioForward
51Demyan YesinDemyanDefender

Witness your favorite team Torino live scores, live Soccer matches, teams roster along with schedules, news, results, player lists, records and live and upcoming matches here on Bullscore soccer Livescore. In next match, Torino will be up against Empoli on 15 March, 2025 in Serie A.

When the match starts, you will be able to follow Torino vs Empoli, standings, minute by minute updated live results and match statistics. We may have video highlights news for some Torino matches, but only if they play their match in one of the most popular Soccer leagues. Torino previous match was against Parma Calcio in Serie A, match ended with 2-2. Torino fixtures tab is showing last 10 football matches with statistics and win/draw/lose icons. There are also all Torino news from schedule matches that they are going to play in the future.

Bullscore Soccer livescore is available you can watch matches and results.