Santos Soccer team, Santos livescore, schedules, results, player stats, player records
# Player Role
2Tomas RinconTomasMidfielder
3Guilherme AugustoGuilhermeForward
4Luan PeresLuanDefender
5Tiquinho SoaresTiquinhoForward
6Gonzalo EscobarGonzaloDefender
7Alvaro BarrealAlvaroMidfielder
8Leonardo GodoyLeonardoDefender
9Yeferson SoteldoYefersonMidfielder
10Julio FurchJulioForward
11Yusupha NjieYusuphaForward
12Joao SchmidtJoaoMidfielder
14Alfredo MorelosAlfredoForward
15Gabriel BrazaoGabrielGoalkeeper
16Messias RodriguesMessiasDefender
17Benjamin RollheiserBenjaminMidfielder
18Patrick BezerraPatrickMidfielder
19Joao Paulo Silva MartinsJoaoGoalkeeper
20Diego PitucaDiegoMidfielder
21Sandry Roberto SantosSandryMidfielder
22Willian GomesWillianDefender
23Vladimir de Araujo FilhoVladimirGoalkeeper
24Thaciano da SilvaThacianoMidfielder
25Gabriel VeronGabrielMidfielder
26Ze IvaldoZeDefender
27Wendel CostaWendelForward
28Aderlan de Lima SilvaAderlanDefender
29Lucas BragaLucasForward
30Andrey Rafael Quintino dos SantosAndreyForward
31Rodrigo FernandezRodrigoMidfielder
32Joao BassoJoaoDefender
33Hayner WillianHaynerDefender
34Diogenes Vinicius da SilvaDiogenesGoalkeeper
35Luiz HenriqueLuizMidfielder
36Miguel Angel TercerosMiguelMidfielder
37Hyan Carvalho Machado SilvaHyanMidfielder
38Luisao DoriaLuisaoDefender
39Kevyson CostaKevysonDefender
40Jair PaulaJairDefender
41Gustavo Sonego JundiGustavoGoalkeeper
42Rafael FreitasRafaelMidfielder
43Enzo MonteiroEnzoForward
44Joao Souza MenezesJoaoDefender
45Alejandro VillarealAlejandroForward
46Joao Pedro Chermont CremaJoaoDefender
47Samuel Lima BarrosSamuelDefender
48Breno Silvano SossaiBrenoGoalkeeper
49Joao PedroJoaoGoalkeeper
50Mateus XavierMateusMidfielder
51Luca MeirellesLucaForward
52Marcelo TorrezMarceloDefender
53Willian BigodeWillianForward
54Vinicius LiraViniciusDefender
55Gabriel BontempoGabrielMidfielder

Witness your favorite team Santos live scores, live Soccer matches, teams roster along with schedules, news, results, player lists, records and live and upcoming matches here on Bullscore soccer Livescore. In next match,

We may have video highlights news for some Santos matches, but only if they play their match in one of the most popular Soccer leagues. Santos previous match was against Bragantino in Paulista, Serie A1, match ended with 2-0. Santos fixtures tab is showing last 10 football matches with statistics and win/draw/lose icons. There are also all Santos news from schedule matches that they are going to play in the future.

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