Retro Soccer team, Retro livescore, schedules, results, player stats, player records
# Player Role
4Fernandinho SilvaFernandinhoMidfielder
5Jonas Gomes De SousaJonasMidfielder
7Jurani Francisco FerreiraJuraniMidfielder
8Jean Raphael MoreiraJeanMidfielder
9Everton FelipeEvertonMidfielder
11Felipe FerreiraFelipeMidfielder
12Odilavio Jose da SIlva AlbuquerqueOdilavioForward
13Samuel Salustiano De Jesus SilvaSamuelForward
15Darley Ramon TorresDarleyGoalkeeper
16Michel Bennech VercinoMichelDefender
17Denilson Dos Santos SouzaDenilsonDefender
18Lucas Silva De OliveiraLucasForward
19Israel Neves De SouzaIsraelDefender
20Mathaus AlvesMathausMidfielder
21Gustavo Henrique CorreaGustavoDefender
22Marcio Camillato MartinelliMarcioMidfielder
23Loran Romualdo Dos Santos Da SilvaLoranForward
24Rodrigo Souza SantosRodrigoForward
25Gelson Luis Pinto MelloGelsonMidfielder
26Jonathan De Almeida PereiraJonathanMidfielder
27Luan Henrique SilvaLuanMidfielder
28Lucas Rodrigues Ramos Da SilvaLucasDefender
29Radsley Eduardo Goncalves RamosRadsleyMidfielder
30Jose Augusto Soares De LimaJoseMidfielder
31Kaue Da SilvaKaueMidfielder
32Joao Guilherme De Souza CrispimJoaoMidfielder
33Ruan Costa De FreitasRuanForward
35Sandoval Araujo LimaSandovalDefender
36Alex Reinaldo Da Silva VieiraAlexDefender
37Edson Lucas PereiraEdsonDefender
38Diego De Matos Peixoto GuerraDiegoMidfielder
39Paulo Ricardo Ferreira TeixeiraPauloGoalkeeper
40David Lucas Da Silva SantosDavidMidfielder
41Renilson Pereira Da SilvaRenilsonMidfielder
42Fabian Harry VolpiFabianGoalkeeper
43Joao Vittor Lima Da SilvaJoaoMidfielder
44Joao Vitor Kaminski Borba FerreiraJoaoDefender
45Joao Pedro Costa SilvaJoaoDefender

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We may have video highlights news for some Retro matches, but only if they play their match in one of the most popular Soccer leagues. Retro previous match was against Moto Clube in Copa do Nordeste, match ended with 6-7. Retro fixtures tab is showing last 10 football matches with statistics and win/draw/lose icons. There are also all Retro news from schedule matches that they are going to play in the future.

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