Real Sociedad Soccer team, Real Sociedad livescore, schedules, results, player stats, player records
# Player Role
1Maria QuinonesMariaGoalkeeper
2Sanni FranssiSanniForward
3Synne Sofie Kinden JensenSynneForward
4Alejandra BernabeAlejandraDefender
5Leire BanosLeireMidfielder
6Marina AgouesMarinaDefender
7Idoai AgirreIdoaiMidfielder
8Naiara Beristain GonzalezNaiaraMidfielder
9Nuria Mendoza MirallesNuriaDefender
10Maddi Torre LarranagaMaddiDefender
11Paola Soldevila De La PisaPaolaDefender
12Ane Etxezarreta AyerbeAneMidfielder
13Itxaso Uriarte SantamariaItxasoMidfielder
14Kiana PalaciosKianaForward
15Carla Bautista PiquerasCarlaForward
16Marta Cardona De MiguelMartaForward
17Nerea Eizaguirre LasaNereaMidfielder
18Sara Olaizola AlcantaraSaraMidfielder
19Iraia Iparraguirre ArgandonaIraiaDefender
20Manuela Lareo PolancoManuelaMidfielder
21Oihana Aldai AranzabalOihanaGoalkeeper
22Leire Banos IndakoetxeaLeireDefender
23Cristina Pizarro MingoCristinaDefender
24Andreia JacintoAndreiaMidfielder
25Allegra PoljakAllegraForward
26Manuela VanegasManuelaDefender
27Amaiur Sarriegi IsasaAmaiurForward
28Mirari UriaMirariForward
29Adriana Nanclares RomeroAdrianaGoalkeeper
30Izarne Sarasola BeainIzarneMidfielder
31Elena Lete ParaElenaGoalkeeper
32Olatz Santana AmadoOlatzGoalkeeper
33Alazne EstensoroAlazneGoalkeeper
34Ana Tejada JiminezAnaDefender
35Iris Arnaiz GilIrisMidfielder
36Gabriela GarciaGabrielaForward
37Gemma GiliGemmaMidfielder
38Nora Sarriegi GaldosNoraMidfielder
39Haizea Uranga AgirreHaizeaDefender
40Nahia AparicioNahiaForward
41Elene Viles OdriozolaEleneMidfielder
42Cecilia Marcos NabalCeciliaMidfielder
43Emma Ramirez GorgosoEmmaDefender

Witness your favorite team Real Sociedad live scores, live Soccer matches, teams roster along with schedules, news, results, player lists, records and live and upcoming matches here on Bullscore soccer Livescore. In next match, Real Sociedad will be up against Levante UD on 16 March, 2025 in Primera Division Women.

When the match starts, you will be able to follow Real Sociedad vs Levante UD, standings, minute by minute updated live results and match statistics. We may have video highlights news for some Real Sociedad matches, but only if they play their match in one of the most popular Soccer leagues. Real Sociedad previous match was against Levante LP in Primera Division Women, match ended with 0-0. Real Sociedad fixtures tab is showing last 10 football matches with statistics and win/draw/lose icons. There are also all Real Sociedad news from schedule matches that they are going to play in the future.

Bullscore Soccer livescore is available you can watch matches and results.