Kazincbarcikai Soccer team, Kazincbarcikai livescore, schedules, results, player stats, player records
# Player Role
1Jozsef VargaJozsefMidfielder
2Adam BodiAdamMidfielder
3Kristof HerjeczkiKristofForward
4Adam PinterAdamForward
6Kristof PolgarKristofDefender
7Akos DebreceniAkosForward
8Balazs SzaboBalazsMidfielder
9Gabor DvorschakGaborDefender
10Adam CsilusAdamForward
11Balint KartikBalintMidfielder
12David SztankoDavidMidfielder
13Bence Janos PethoBenceForward
14Antal BenczeAntalGoalkeeper
15Gabor JurekGaborForward
16Tamas FadgyasTamasGoalkeeper
17Bogdan BanhegyiBogdanGoalkeeper
18Attila SzujoAttilaDefender
19Gergo CsatariGergoMidfielder
20David SzekelyDavidForward
21Attila SuttoAttilaMidfielder
22Balazs SzemereBalazsMidfielder
23David JakabDavidMidfielder
24Valter HeilValterDefender
25Leonardo Norbert MitruscsakLeonardoForward
26Kevin HenezKevinMidfielder
27Gergo LukacsGergoMidfielder
28Mate Norbert SzaboMateForward
29Patrik TernovanPatrikMidfielder
30Milan LaczkoMilanForward
31Janos MadaraszJanosMidfielder
32David Szilveszter KovacsDavidForward
33Dominik Alex ArdayDominikDefender
34Ferenc Jozsef AdamFerencForward
35Kismarton BalazsKismartonForward
36Ruben IgnaczRubenForward
37Patrik Zoltan ZilahyPatrikGoalkeeper
38Zsombor Kalnoki KisZsomborForward
39Nagy Akos AttilaNagyMidfielder
40Patrick GantePatrickForward
41Kallai ZalanKallaiMidfielder
42Katona IstvanKatonaMidfielder
43Daniel VinczeDanielMidfielder
44Banhegi Bogdan TamasBanhegiMidfielder
45Milan DemeterMilanMidfielder
46Kovacs Szabolcs CsabaKovacsMidfielder
47Mihaly Andras MalikMihalyGoalkeeper
48Matyas KiralyMatyasGoalkeeper
49Ferenscik Balint DonatFerenscikMidfielder
50Bacsa Benjamin SandorBacsaMidfielder
51Szamosi Adam SzabolcsSzamosiMidfielder
52Levente Kristof BalazsiLeventeMidfielder
53Bence DojcsakBenceGoalkeeper

Witness your favorite team Kazincbarcikai live scores, live Soccer matches, teams roster along with schedules, news, results, player lists, records and live and upcoming matches here on Bullscore soccer Livescore. In next match,

We may have video highlights news for some Kazincbarcikai matches, but only if they play their match in one of the most popular Soccer leagues. Kazincbarcikai previous match was against Tiszakecske in Club Friendly Games, match ended with 1-1. Kazincbarcikai fixtures tab is showing last 10 football matches with statistics and win/draw/lose icons. There are also all Kazincbarcikai news from schedule matches that they are going to play in the future.

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