Internacional Soccer team, Internacional livescore, schedules, results, player stats, player records
# Player Role
1Gabriel MercadoGabrielDefender
2Ivan QuaresmaIvanGoalkeeper
3Thiago MaiaThiagoMidfielder
4Fernando Francisco RegesFernandoMidfielder
5Alan PatrickAlanMidfielder
6Johan CarboneroJohanMidfielder
7Enner ValenciaEnnerForward
8Bruno TabataBrunoMidfielder
9Agustin RogelAgustinDefender
10Sergio RochetSergioGoalkeeper
11Oscar RomeroOscarMidfielder
12Alexandro BernabeiAlexandroDefender
13Lucas RamosLucasMidfielder
14Kaique RochaKaiqueDefender
15Bruno Henrique CorsiniBrunoMidfielder
16Hyoran DalmoroHyoranMidfielder
17Ronaldo da silva souzaRonaldoDefender
18Vitor Hugo Dos SantosVitorMidfielder
19Bruno GomesBrunoDefender
20Vitor Eduardo da Silva MatosVitorDefender
21Jarro PedrosoJarroForward
22Ramon RamosRamonDefender
23Wesley RibeiroWesleyForward
24Emerson Fabiano JuniorEmersonGoalkeeper
25Gabriel BarrosGabrielMidfielder
26Jose Carlos FerreiraJoseDefender
27Braian AguirreBraianDefender
28Anthoni Spier SouzaAnthoniGoalkeeper
29Estevao Barreto de OliveiraEstevaoMidfielder
30Matheus DiasMatheusMidfielder
31Alexandre ZurawskiAlexandreForward
32Lucca Sampaio TavaresLuccaForward
34Joao Pedro Souza CalheiraJoaoGoalkeeper
35Denis Alves BorgesDenisMidfielder
36Nathan SantosNathanDefender
37Clayton Sampaio PereiraClaytonDefender
38Rafael Santos BorreRafaelForward
39Gustavo PradoGustavoMidfielder
40Ricardo MathiasRicardoForward
41Diego EsserDiegoGoalkeeper
42Gabriel CarvalhoGabrielMidfielder
43Lucca DrummondLuccaMidfielder
44Kauan JesusKauanGoalkeeper
47Pedro Henrique De Oliveira MarquesPedroForward
48Crysthyan Lucas Da Silva RochaCrysthyanMidfielder
49Luis OtavioLuisMidfielder
50Evertow Vaz Pereira Da SilvaEvertowDefender
51Alexsandro De Souza RabeloAlexsandroMidfielder
52Rodrigo Otavio Da Costa Rocha FilhoRodrigoForward
53Caua Silva FerreiraCauaDefender
54Pablo Pereira Da CostaPabloDefender
55Kaua Da Silva BarbosaKauaDefender
56Pedro Kaua Rodrigues MachadoPedroDefender
57Dionathan De Lima Dos SantosDionathanDefender
58Gustavo Dos SantosGustavoMidfielder
59Benjamin ArhinBenjaminMidfielder
60Henrique MenkeHenriqueGoalkeeper
61Bernardo JacobBernardoMidfielder

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We may have video highlights news for some Internacional matches, but only if they play their match in one of the most popular Soccer leagues. Internacional previous match was against Fortaleza in Brasileiro Serie A, match ended with 3-0. Internacional fixtures tab is showing last 10 football matches with statistics and win/draw/lose icons. There are also all Internacional news from schedule matches that they are going to play in the future.

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