Beit Shean Mesilot Soccer team, Beit Shean Mesilot livescore, schedules, results, player stats, player records
# Player Role
1Adam HalafAdamMidfielder
2Gizzie DorborGizzieDefender
3Yitzhak DananYitzhakMidfielder
4Yinon Ben AmiYinonMidfielder
5Baha DiabBahaMidfielder
6Daniel YizhakDanielForward
7Adir DayanAdirMidfielder
8Sarel AzulaySarelDefender
9Idan SahfshaIdanForward
10Yuri SeriuiskiYuriMidfielder
11Shai AvrahamShaiMidfielder
12Sahar CohenSaharMidfielder
13Simon SheilaSimonMidfielder
14Dmytro OsadchyDmytroForward
15Basal TahaBasalMidfielder
16Yuval KeinanYuvalMidfielder
17Basilej TahaBasilejMidfielder
18Muhammad SaadiMuhammadMidfielder
19Ahmad AwadAhmadGoalkeeper
20Einan LekEinanMidfielder
21Daniel YizhakDanielDefender
22Amir SuanAmirMidfielder
23Omri AmerOmriMidfielder
24Mahmoud Abu AhmadMahmoudMidfielder
25Orel YehudaOrelMidfielder
26Avishai DavidAvishaiMidfielder
27Vitaly NoelVitalyMidfielder
28Shahar HaroninShaharMidfielder
29Amit SalemAmitMidfielder
30Afek HadadAfekMidfielder

Witness your favorite team Beit Shean Mesilot live scores, live Soccer matches, teams roster along with schedules, news, results, player lists, records and live and upcoming matches here on Bullscore soccer Livescore. In next match, Beit Shean Mesilot will be up against Tzeirey Um El Fahem on 28 March, 2025 in Liga Alef.

When the match starts, you will be able to follow Beit Shean Mesilot vs Tzeirey Um El Fahem, standings, minute by minute updated live results and match statistics. We may have video highlights news for some Beit Shean Mesilot matches, but only if they play their match in one of the most popular Soccer leagues. Beit Shean Mesilot previous match was against H. Migdal Haemeq in Liga Alef, match ended with 0-0. Beit Shean Mesilot fixtures tab is showing last 10 football matches with statistics and win/draw/lose icons. There are also all Beit Shean Mesilot news from schedule matches that they are going to play in the future.

Bullscore Soccer livescore is available you can watch matches and results.