Goianiense GO Soccer team, Goianiense GO livescore, schedules, results, player stats, player records
# Player Role
2Guilherme RomaoGuilhermeDefender
3Luiz Gustavo Novaes PalharesLuizMidfielder
4Jan HurtadoJanForward
5Pedrao Henrique PereiraPedraoDefender
6Jorge de Moura XavierJorgeMidfielder
7Angelo AraosAngeloMidfielder
8Heron da SilvaHeronDefender
10Shaylon CardozoShaylonMidfielder
11Vladimir de Araujo FilhoVladimirGoalkeeper
12Willian MaranhaoWillianMidfielder
13Federico MartinezFedericoMidfielder
14Anderson PaixaoAndersonGoalkeeper
16Gabriel Baralhas dosSantosGabrielMidfielder
17Marcelinho FilhoMarcelinhoMidfielder
18Vinicius SampaioViniciusDefender
19Thayllon Lopes MedeirosThayllonMidfielder
20Caio DantasCaioForward
21Joao Victor Maistro SoaresJoaoMidfielder
22Rai RamosRaiDefender
23Leonardo Naldi De MatosLeonardoMidfielder
24Kevyn Da Silva SoaresKevynMidfielder
25Alejo CruzAlejoMidfielder
26Matheus FelipeMatheusDefender
27Ronaldo De Oliveira StradaRonaldoGoalkeeper
29Rhaldney GomesRhaldneyMidfielder
30Emiliano RodriguezEmilianoForward
31Pedro Geovane Paranhos SantosPedroDefender
32Lucas GazalLucasDefender
33Leo MedeirosLeoGoalkeeper
34Kauan RodriguesKauanMidfielder
35Guilherme Bastos Da SilvaGuilhermeDefender
37Thiago Medeiros De CarvalhoThiagoMidfielder
38Gustavo DanielGustavoDefender
39Robert ConceicaoRobertMidfielder
40Adriano MartinsAdrianoDefender
41Eduardo Batista Dos SantosEduardoGoalkeeper
42Luiz GustavoLuizDefender
43Mateus Macedo Dos SantosMateusDefender
44Gustavo Ferreira De AlmeidaGustavoMidfielder
45Randerson De Sousa AlmeidaRandersonMidfielder
46Jean Carlos Alves FerreiraJeanMidfielder
47Francisco BarriosFranciscoMidfielder
49Lucas BarretoLucasGoalkeeper
50William PottkerWilliamForward
52Robert SantosRobertMidfielder
53Sandro LimaSandroMidfielder

Witness your favorite team Goianiense GO live scores, live Soccer matches, teams roster along with schedules, news, results, player lists, records and live and upcoming matches here on Bullscore soccer Livescore. In next match, Goianiense GO will be up against Inhumas on 04 March, 2025 in Goiano.

When the match starts, you will be able to follow Goianiense GO vs Inhumas, standings, minute by minute updated live results and match statistics. We may have video highlights news for some Goianiense GO matches, but only if they play their match in one of the most popular Soccer leagues. Goianiense GO previous match was against Inhumas in Goiano, match ended with 1-1. Goianiense GO fixtures tab is showing last 10 football matches with statistics and win/draw/lose icons. There are also all Goianiense GO news from schedule matches that they are going to play in the future.

Bullscore Soccer livescore is available you can watch matches and results.