Fiorentina Soccer team, Fiorentina livescore, schedules, results, player stats, player records
# Player Role
1David De GeaDavidGoalkeeper
2Albert GudmundssonAlbertMidfielder
3Sofyan AmrabatSofyanMidfielder
4Abdelhamid SabiriAbdelhamidMidfielder
5Nicolas GonzalezNicolasForward
6Robin GosensRobinDefender
7Moise KeanMoiseForward
8Cristiano BiraghiCristianoDefender
9Riccardo SottilRiccardoForward
10Antonin BarakAntoninMidfielder
11Rolando MandragoraRolandoMidfielder
12Danilo CataldiDaniloMidfielder
13Nicolo ZanioloNicoloMidfielder
14Pietro TerraccianoPietroGoalkeeper
15Cristian KouameCristianForward
16Jonathan IkoneJonathanForward
17Yacine AdliYacineMidfielder
18Marin PongracicMarinDefender
19Domilson DodoDomilsonDefender
20Oliver ChristensenOliverGoalkeeper
21Luca RanieriLucaDefender
22Mbala NzolaMbalaForward
23Michael FolorunshoMichaelMidfielder
24Pablo MariPabloDefender
25Andrea ColpaniAndreaMidfielder
26Nicolo FagioliNicoloMidfielder
27Lucas BeltranLucasMidfielder
28Eduard DutuEduardDefender
29Edoardo BoveEdoardoMidfielder
30Dimo KrastevDimoDefender
31Fabiano ParisiFabianoDefender
32Alessandro BiancoAlessandroMidfielder
33Nicolas ValentiniNicolasDefender
34Gino InfantinoGinoMidfielder
35Amir RichardsonAmirMidfielder
36Eljon TociEljonForward
37Cher NdourCherMidfielder
38Costantino FavasuliCostantinoMidfielder
39Tommaso MartinelliTommasoGoalkeeper
40Lorenzo AmatucciLorenzoMidfielder
41Michael KayodeMichaelDefender
42Tommaso VannucchiTommasoGoalkeeper
43Matias MorenoMatiasDefender
44Pietro ComuzzoPietroDefender
45Lorenzo LucchesiLorenzoDefender
46Fallou SeneFallouForward
47Christian BiagettiChristianDefender
48Maat Daniel CapriniMaatForward
49Niccolo FortiniNiccoloMidfielder
50Jonas HarderJonasMidfielder
51Leonardo BaroncelliLeonardoDefender
52Eddy KouadioEddyDefender
53Tommaso RubinoTommasoMidfielder
54Niccolo NardiNiccoloMidfielder
55Pietro LeonardelliPietroGoalkeeper

Witness your favorite team Fiorentina live scores, live Soccer matches, teams roster along with schedules, news, results, player lists, records and live and upcoming matches here on Bullscore soccer Livescore. In next match, Fiorentina will be up against Panathinaikos on 06 March, 2025 in UEFA Conference League.

When the match starts, you will be able to follow Panathinaikos vs Fiorentina, standings, minute by minute updated live results and match statistics. We may have video highlights news for some Fiorentina matches, but only if they play their match in one of the most popular Soccer leagues. Fiorentina previous match was against Lecce in Serie A, match ended with 1-0. Fiorentina fixtures tab is showing last 10 football matches with statistics and win/draw/lose icons. There are also all Fiorentina news from schedule matches that they are going to play in the future.

Bullscore Soccer livescore is available you can watch matches and results.