Serial Child Molester Doctor Larry Nassar Stabbed Multiple Times In Federal Prison

Serial Child Molester Doctor Larry Nassar Stabbed Multiple Times In Federal Prison

Serial Child Molester Doctor Larry Nassar Stabbed Multiple Times In Federal Prison

Serial Child Molester Doctor Larry Nassar Stabbed Multiple Times In Federal Prison

Disgraced Ex Sports Doctor Larry Nassar was stabbed multiple times in prison by inmates.

Larry Nassar former doctor of the women’s national gymnastics team, and serial child molester used his position to exploit, deceive and sexually assault hundreds of children and young women.

59-year-old Larry Nassar was reportedly stabbed in his back and chest multiple times in federal prison.

According to Associated Press reports, “Two people familiar with the matter told The Associated Press that attack happened on Sunday at United States Penitentiary Coleman.”

Is Larry Nassar still alive after multiple stabbings?

Yes, The people said he was in stable condition Monday.

The other one informed the press that Nassar was stabbed multiple times in his back and chest after he had an altercation with other inmates.

Larry is serving decades of punishment for his unforgivable crime to molest young girls including the Olympic gold medalist.

Disgraced Larry Nassar was first arrested in 2016 by Michigan University state Police and due to a fundamental mistake made by the FBI the case was not taken seriously. In 2022, the Michigan Supreme Court rejected the abuser Larry’s request and pleaded him guilty to hundreds of sexual assaults including the USA coaches and gymnasts trainers too.

Larry is paying for his crime in Florida’s Federal Prison.

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