Rumors Circulate About F-Zero GX Remastered in Development

Rumors Circulate About F-Zero GX Remastered in Development

Rumors Circulate About F-Zero GX Remastered in Development

After the successful remaster of Metroid Prime, rumors have been circulating about the possible return of F-Zero, the classic futuristic racing game that first started in the early days of the SNES. According to YouTube and Twitter account-holder Nintendo Prime, Next Level Games is working on a remastered version of F-Zero GX, which was originally released on Nintendo Gamecube in 2003. Nintendo Prime claims to have “discovered,” “come across,” and “come in contact with people” who have informed him that the game is in development.

F-Zero GX Remastered
F-Zero GX Remastered

Next Level Games and its parent company Nintendo Co. Ltd. have not issued a statement regarding the legitimacy of the claims. However, Next Level Games has a long history of working with Nintendo’s high-profile IPs, having developed games such as Super Mario Strikers, Punch-Out!!, and Luigi’s Mansion 3.

Teams Working on Two Different Games

According to the leaked information, Next Level Games has two different teams working on two entirely different games. Although Nintendo Prime did not specifically say that both were F-Zero games, the implication was there based on context.

Fans Reaction

The rumors have been generating buzz online, and fans are hoping that support from the gaming community will spur developers to make it happen. One fan replied to the original post, saying, “we ‘leaked’ the Metroid Prime remaster into existence, we can do it for F-Zero lol.

Possible Format of F-Zero Remaster

During his announcement, Nintendo Prime stated that fans have been wanting F-Zero on Switch for a long time in this sort of format, with improved visuals and probably online play as well. If the rumors turn out to be true, fans can expect a remastered version of F-Zero GX with enhanced graphics and new features.

While the rumors of the F-Zero remaster remain unconfirmed, fans of the classic racing game can’t help but get excited about the possibility of playing it on the Switch. If the remaster is in development, it will be interesting to see how Next Level Games enhances the game and what new features they add. Regardless of whether the rumors are true, it’s clear that the F-Zero franchise still has a strong following and a demand for a new game.

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