Pokemon Go: Aerodactyl Overview

Pokemon Go: Aerodactyl Overview

Pokemon Go: Aerodactyl Overview

Pokemon Go: Aerodactyl Overview

Welcome to the BullScore News ‘Pokemon Go’ Special Edition. In Pokemon Go, Players who play the role of Trainers want to keep their Pokemon evolved. There is a database of more than 700 Pokemon in this game. The team of Pokemon Go developers (Niantic Inc) keeps launching new patches of updates and Pokemon Evolutions. Whereas, with each Pokemon in the team, Trainers want to win the battle.

In this article, I am providing a complete guide to Pokemon Aerodactyl (shown in the image above). This guide contains the weaknesses, strengths, counters, and stats of Aerodactyl in Pokemon Go.

Introduction of Aerodactyl in Pokemon Go

Aerodactyl is a dual tera-type Pokemon (Rock and Flying types) and is currently trained by Cliff (one of the three leaders/trainers in Team GO). It was introduced in Generation 1 to the Pokemon Family. It is found in the Old Amber Fossil (mountain area in the Pokemon Storyline).

Aerodactyl Weaknesses

Being a Rock and Flying tera-types Pokemon, there are five tera-types of Pokemon that can dominate Aerodactyl in the Pokemon Go Battle. These are as follows:

  1. Rock
  2. Steel
  3. Electric
  4. Water
  5. Ice

If you bring one of such types of Pokemon in your team against Cliff, then you can win the battle. Some such types examples are Metagross, Blastoise, Electivire, Kabutops, Aggron, Mamoswine, or Politoed.

Aerodactyl Strengths and Counters

There are some strengths of Aerodactyl in Pokemon Go also. You can use them to counter and defeat these tera-types of Pokemon in battle,

  1. Poison
  2. Fire
  3. Flying
  4. Ground
  5. Normal
  6. Bug

If you use Aerodactyl against any of these six tera-types Pokemon, then you can emerge victorious in the battle.

Aerodactyl Stats


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