Physical vs Digital: Which Nintendo Switch Games to Buy

Physical vs Digital: Which Nintendo Switch Games to Buy

Physical vs Digital: Which Nintendo Switch Games to Buy

Physical vs Digital: Which Nintendo Switch Games to Buy
Physical vs Digital: Which Nintendo Switch Games to Buy

Are you considering purchasing games for your Nintendo Switch but can’t decide whether to go for physical or digital copies?

Deciding whether to purchase a physical or digital Nintendo Switch game can be a tough decision. Each format has its own benefits and drawbacks, which we’ll explore in detail to help you make an informed decision.

This article will help you weigh the pros and cons of both options, so you can make an informed decision based on your preferences.

Storage Space

One of the most significant considerations is storage space. When you download a game from the eShop, it takes up some of the console’s internal storage. For example, a game like The Witcher 3: Complete Edition is 32GB, and the Nintendo Switch and Switch Lite only offer 32GB of storage. While the Switch OLED provides 64GB, it’s still limited.

In contrast, physical games primarily store data on the cartridge, leaving less data to take up the console’s internal storage. However, you will require storage space to keep the physical game boxes.

Winner: Physical


When it comes to convenience, digital games have the edge. With digital games, you don’t have to go to a store or wait for delivery; instead, you download the game directly to your console. Pre-orders are particularly convenient, as the game downloads before release, allowing you to start playing right away.

On the other hand, physical games require a trip to a store or waiting for delivery. While some people enjoy having a physical game to hold and display, it may not be as convenient.

Winner: Digital


Nintendo first-party games are known to retain their value and rarely drop in price. However, games from other publishers and developers may see a price drop. If you’re looking for the best price for a game, buying physical and second-hand long after release may be your best bet, but not all games have a physical release.

Occasional sales on the Nintendo eShop are available, but these aren’t necessarily cheaper than purchasing from a retailer or game discount website.

Winner: Draw

Should You Buy Physical or Digital Nintendo Switch Games?
Should You Buy Physical or Digital Nintendo Switch Games?

Portability: The Battle Between Cartridges and Digital Downloads

One of the most significant advantages of the Nintendo Switch is its portability. You can play it on your TV, or you can take it with you wherever you go. If portability is a crucial factor for you, then digital copies may be the way to go. You can have all your games in one place, without worrying about carrying around game cartridges.

On the other hand, physical game cartridges are compact and easy to carry around. You can slip them into your backpack, and you’re ready to go. Unlike digital copies, you won’t have to worry about storage space on your console, and you can trade or sell your games when you no longer need them.

Winner: Digital

Sharing and Resale: The Benefits of Physical Copies

If you’re someone who likes to share their games with friends or family, then physical copies are the way to go. You can lend a game cartridge to someone, and they can play it on their Nintendo Switch. Conversely, digital games are tied to your Nintendo account, and you can’t share them with others.

When it comes to resale, physical copies have a significant advantage. You can trade them in at stores like GameStop or sell them online. Digital copies, on the other hand, cannot be resold once you buy them.

Winner: Physical

Extra Goodies: The Collector’s Dream

If you’re someone who enjoys collecting physical items like posters, pins, or other memorabilia, then physical copies may be the way to go. While most standard Switch releases only come with the game cartridge, some collector’s editions come with additional items, making them ideal for collectors.

Digital copies may offer some additional bonuses like avatars or soundtracks, but these are rare and can often be obtained separately through My Nintendo Rewards.

Winner: Physical

Final Verdict: Which Should You Choose?

There’s no clear winner when it comes to the debate between physical and digital copies of Nintendo Switch games. It all comes down to your preferences.

When it comes to purchasing games for your Nintendo Switch, the decision between physical and digital copies ultimately boils down to your preferences. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of both options before making your decision. Whether you go for physical copies or digital downloads, the most important thing is to enjoy the games you play on your Nintendo Switch.

If you prefer convenience and speed, digital copies may be the way to go. If you enjoy collecting physical items and sharing games with others, then physical copies may be a better option for you.

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