Panthers Transgender Cheerleader Justine Lindsay Opens Up About Breaking Norms

Panthers Transgender Cheerleader Justine Lindsay Opens Up About Breaking Norms

Panthers Transgender Cheerleader Justine Lindsay Opens Up About Breaking Norms

This week Carolina Panthers’ first openly transgender cheerleader made some stir on social media during the “Monday Night Football” game.

Justine Lindsay, 30, who is the first transgender cheerleader in NFL history opened up about her struggles and breaking the social norms.

In an interview with Fox News, Lindsay said,

“I want to change the narrative for my trans sisters and brothers, just to [let them] know that if you have a goal, go for it. Turn that dream into a reality. Be an NFL cheerleader, or a doctor or a nurse or whatever you set your mind to.”

Justin also shared the proud moment when she heard the news of selection in the TopCats.

She said,

“I heard ‘Congratulations’ and I just blacked out. The next thing I knew I jumped out of my car and was crying and jumping hysterically. These people came over to me and asked me if I was OK, and when I told them what had happened, they gave me a hug and told me they were so proud of me. It was a beautiful moment, getting that encouragement from people I didn’t even know really hit home.” 

But not everyone in this world knid and generous enough to be happy and share the love. Justine has recieved some backlash and haterd for who she is over the past years.

According to Lindsay that’s all in the past, she accpetd more love from the fans and Charlotte community. That’s matters the most for her.

Lindsay will cheer for Panthers on October 1 against the Vikings.

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