No Man’s Sky Portal Guide: How to Find and Activate Portals?

No Man’s Sky Portal Guide: How to Find and Activate Portals?

No Man’s Sky Portal Guide: How to Find and Activate Portals?

No Man's Sky Portal Guide: How to Find and Activate Portals

No Man’s Sky (NMS) is a massive universe full of unique planets, species, and secrets to discover. One of the most useful tools in the game is the Portal, which allows you to travel quickly and easily between locations. However, finding and activating a Portal can be a challenge for players who are new to the game. In this guide, we’ll show you how to locate and activate Portals in No Man’s Sky.

Where to Find and Activate Portals in No Man’s Sky?

To find a Portal in No Man’s Sky, you’ll first need to locate an Alien Monolith structure. These structures can be found on various planets throughout the universe, but they’re not always easy to spot. If you’ve already come across one, simply head towards it. Otherwise, follow these steps to locate an Alien Monolith and activate a Portal:

No Man's Sky Portal Guide: How to Find and Activate Portals

Step 1: Unlock the 16 Glyphs Required to Activate a Portal

Before you can activate a Portal, you’ll need to unlock the 16 Glyphs required to input the correct sequence of symbols. To unlock these Glyphs, you’ll need to complete the Arthemis Path storyline in the A Leap in the Dark quest.

Step 2: Purchase an Alien Cartographic Data Planetary Chart

Once you’ve unlocked the 16 Glyphs, head to any Space Station and look for a Cartographer shop. Interact with the merchant and select the “Exchange Specific Charts” option to purchase an Alien Cartographic Data Planetary Chart. You’ll need to exchange Navigation Data or Nanites to obtain the chart.

Step 3: Locate an Alien Monolith

Exit the Space Station and head to any planet. Open your inventory and use the Planetary Chart from the Exosuit tab. The chart will scan for a nearby Alien Monolith and reveal its location. If it doesn’t find a Monolith, try using the chart in a different location.

Step 4: Solve the Monolith’s Riddle

Once you reach the Alien Monolith, interact with it to solve a riddle. The correct answer is usually hinted at in the text, but giving the wrong answer will prevent you from using the Monolith. If this happens, simply reload the previous autosave.

Step 5: Obtain the Required Relic and Charge the Portal

After solving the riddle, interact with the Monolith again to reveal a Portal location. You’ll need one of the relics (Gek Relic, Korvax Casing, or Vy’keen Dagger) depending on the dominant race of the solar system you’re in. We recommend purchasing all three relics from traders beforehand to save time. Once you have the relic, go to the Portal location and charge it using materials like Cobalt, Copper, Oxygen, Carbon, Sodium, etc.

Step 6: Input the Sequence and Teleport

No Man's Sky Portal Guide: How to Find and Activate Portals

After charging the Portal, select the option to Activate it. The game will prompt you to enter the sequence (address) of the region or planet you want to teleport to. Use the 16 Glyphs you’ve unlocked to input the correct sequence. You can also unlock Glyphs by interacting with Travelers in Space Stations and asking them where they’re from.

Portals are incredibly useful tools in No Man’s Sky that allow you to travel quickly and easily between locations. By following these steps, you’ll be able to locate and activate Portals with ease. 

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