No Man’s Sky: 5 rarest planets to encounter

No Man’s Sky: 5 Rarest Planets to Encounter

No Man’s Sky: 5 Rarest Planets to Encounter

No Man’s Sky: 5 Rarest Planets to Encounter

No Man’s Sky is an infinite space exploration game where players can move around the different planets and collect substances from these planets. It’s a survival game developed by Hello Games and available to all gamers for free. A player can take part in a community mission for unlocking rewards and customization.

There are 18 quintillion planets in the No Man’s Sky universe and players most of the time encounter some oddities that are peculiar and unusual on their own. The oddness of this planet can be the Fauna, Flora, or even the planet itself.

There is always something new and mysterious in the universe of No Man’s Sky. This game gives the players the freedom to choose between a quest path where they explore the planet according to the mission or ignoring them and going on their own journey of exploring Space. In their journey, a player can expect to locate some of the oddities 

Here is the list of some uncommon planets a player can uncover in the endless space of the No Man’s Sky:

Rare to Locate Planets in No Man’s Sky

1. Temporary Planets

Temporary Planets

Temporary Planets were added in the Atlas Rises update and these planets are Uncommon to encounter by the players in the No Man’s Sky. This planet falls in the Exotic biomes and usually has small hexagonal and square shapes on the surface which can be identified from space.

These planets don’t have any trading posts, observatory depots, drop pods, plaques, monoliths, portals, and other usual settlements and structures found on the other planets. Heat waves, toxicity, radiation, or storms are absent here in the atmosphere. Many things are missing on these planets and players can’t encounter them usually

2. Mega Exotic planets

Mega Exotic planets

Mega exotic planets usually have a bigger version of everything on their planets. From the rocks to the trees and even a lifeform can be bigger than the same species encounter on other planets. These kinds of planets were added to the games for players with the NEXT update.

These planets have their specific environment which might seem dead from space. They aren’t usually dead and a player can find these exotic planets if players want to look for these biomes they can look in the red, green, and blue star system. These planets might not necessarily have gigantic structures and can be the same as the lush biomes.

3. Planetary anomaly

Planetary anomaly

Planetary anomaly has many unique plants, animals, and weather conditions these planets can be found with different types of odd things. These Gray planets can have some weird floating balls and cubes players can tame and use to ride.

Plants that emit a ray of light are common on these planets and gamers can find them anywhere on these planets. Other than the light-emitting plants on these planets, the atmosphere of this is dangerous. Players can sometimes collect the rare material Cymatygen.

4. Bountiful Planets

Bountiful Planets

These Bountiful planets are almost the same as the paradise planets other than the fact that these planets are harder to find. These planets are ideal base-building places with almost no 

Sentinel activities, great flora, and fauna, along with different weather. These planets are under the category of the lush biome.

Many resources like Paraffinium, Star Bulb, and Nitrogen can be easily collected in these biomes. To encounter these planets players can search in the yellow star system with normal and harsh galaxies to increase the chance of locating the Bountiful Planet.

5. Pillared planets

Pillared planets

Pillared planets are classified as Exotic planets and they are the rarest to encounter in the space of No Man’s Sky. players can find many Pillars around this planet’s surface, which can be mined to collect the material.

The chance of encountering this planet is relatively high in the red-starred galaxies as the planets of the exotic category are common there.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is No Man’s Sky free?

A. No Man’s Sky is a free game to play. Players don’t have to pay anything to play this game.

2. Is No Man’s Sky an infinite game?
A. No Man’s Sky is a game about exploration and survival in an infinite procedurally generated galaxy, available on PS4, PC, and Xbox One.

3. What’s the point of No Man’s Sky?

A. No Man’s Sky is an action-adventure survival game played from a first or third-person perspective that allows players to engage in four principal activities: exploration, survival, combat, and trading.

4. How long is No Man’s Sky campaign?

A. The campaign in no man’s sky is of 30 hours. You must play this game as it is filled with a lot of adventures.

5. How hard is no man’s sky?

A. No Man’s Sky is quite easy to play. Players have to play this game step by step to be able to complete this whole game.

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