Mistakes Free Fire players make while placing Gloo Walls
Gloo walls can be very beneficial for those who play the free fire. However, they may have great use in the game of Free Fire. But they are not easy to master. Free fire players can learn them easily but when it comes to mastering them, It becomes difficult for the players to do so. However, those who are the veteran players in the Free fire, know how to use it.
Unfortunately, it is the beginners who find it difficult to place the gloo walls while playing the game. They tend to commit lots of mistakes. But you don’t need to worry as you can easily avoid mistakes if you spend time on learning it.
Mistakes players make when placing Gloo Walls in Free Fire and how to avoid them
1) Delay in placing the gloo walls
Before you place the gloo wall in the free fire, you need to have a strong understanding of the game. You must be able to anticipate the game. You must be aware of all the possibilities that may arise in the game. This is the reason you must understand the Free Fire thoroughly and to be able to understand the free fire properly, you must play this game for quite some time.
It is the tendency of the players to place the gloo walls when they are already damaged.
To avoid this mistake, players need to be aware that as soon as they see the opponent, they must be able to place a gloo wall. This will give them time to plan and protect themselves until they are ready to engage.
2) Wrong way to place the Gloo walls
Gloo walls are placed at multiple locations such as at different heights and different angles. When the free fire players place them at a different location, it provides them an edge to use the gloo walls when it is most needed.
However, this becomes a double-edged sword for beginners. Most simply rush and place a gloo wall for cover without thinking too much about the placement. Enemies can take advantage of this and flank attack with ease.
While there is no ‘wrong angle,’ understanding how to place the Gloo Wall will make a lot of difference. This is especially important when there is a shortage of Gloo Walls or the safe zone in Free Fire is very small.
However, beginner players often tend to make the mistake of placing the walls in a rush, which gives the opponent a chance to use those wrong placements as bait to kill the players.
With time, once you understand how to use them, you can avoid many mishaps in the Free Fire game. Learning to use them correctly is needed at a time when the Number of gloo walls is less in number.
3) Blocking routes with a Gloo Wall
Using the gloo walls in the narrow spaces can be of great benefit, as it chokes the players in the narrow point. When there are more gloo walls, this will allow the players to spotlight fire on the opponents, thereby forcing them to retreat and to get eliminated.
Sometimes this strategy can be a double-edged sword, as due to the want of space, players end up destroying themselves. As in the limited space, there are few chances of escaping from the space.
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