Map with Floating Candles in Hogwarts Legacy Explained, Steps to Solve the Map

Map with Floating Candles in Hogwarts Legacy Explained, Steps to Solve the Map

Map with Floating Candles in Hogwarts Legacy Explained, Steps to Solve the Map

Map with Floating Candles in Hogwarts Legacy Explained, Steps to Solve the Map

Hogwarts Legacy is an action role-playing e-game developed by Avalanche Software. This game is inspired by the novel by J.K. Rowling and the Harry Potter movie series. This game was released in February 2023 and it is in the initial stage as of now (April 2023). This game is available on Xbox, PSP, Windows, Android mobile, and Nintendo console users. In this article, we are going to explain the meaning of floating candles in one of the maps in the game. Also, the steps to solve this map.

The floating candles are shown on the map of Ghost of Our Love. And, it becomes available for the players only after completing the Hunt for the Missing Pages. Once you get the map, you will see a map that features a forest, a bridge, and floating candles. This map helps you to complete the quest. So, you have to solve it before proceeding with the game.

Do floating candles have a hidden meaning?

When you look closely at the map, the floating candles are actually pointing to a place ‘The Forbidden Forest’. You need to go there at night and then you will find a stone bridge near the floating candles which is also the center of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade.

Steps to Solve the Puzzle

Here are the steps you need to follow to solve this puzzle:

  1. Once you’re at the stone bridge near the entrance to Forbidden Forest, cast the Lumos spell.
  2. Three floating candles will spawn. Follow the floating candles. Keep in mind they’ll continue on their way without you, so don’t get sidetracked.
  3. They’ll lead you to a treasure chest not too far into the Forbidden Forest.
  4. Open it and retrieve the Treasure-Seeker’s Scarf, which will complete the Ghost of Our Love quest.

The Information shared in this article will help you to complete the quest. For regular news and updates on E-Games and E-Sports, Stay Tuned to BullScore.

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