Know the current 3 best passers in the NBA

Know the current 3 best passers in the NBA

Know the current 3 best passers in the NBA

Know the current 3 best passers in the NBA

Know the current 3 best passers in the NBA

There are many great passers in the NBA but a few can make the audience go crazy. Almost every basketball lover appreciates acrobatic dunks, deep 3-point shots, and sick handles. But some fancy passes can never get out of the mind of the viewers and can make them drop their jaws.

Die-heart basketball fans do appreciate even the simplest of dropping dimes, the most appreciation it gets when the passers drop it to the right player.

The defensive ball rotation is something that all the teams should pay more attention to because it’s a necessity and an important element of basketball. This game is a team sport and requires ball rotation/movement so that it creates the spin and stops the ball from bouncing off the floor. Shooters and attackers are only able to score points because their ball handlers pass them the ball. And that’s the reason why playmakers play an important role on the roster.

The current best dime droppers of the league are –

  • LeBron James:
LeBron James

LeBron James is one of the finest passers in the NBA. He has been known as a pass-first player since his early years.

LeBron James now owns the fourth most career assists of all time, and he earned the title of “KING”. James, on Tuesday night, dominated Steve Nash and so far he has made a total of 10,338 assists in his name, with an average of 7.1 assists per game.

And today he’s only 89 points away from surpassing one of the best NBA players Kareem-Abdul Jabbar’s all-time scoring record.

  • Luka Doncic:

When it comes to naming the best passers, Luka Doncic is definitely one of them. He’s one of the best scorers in the NBA as well. He’s an all-rounder player just like LeBron James.

Luka Doncic

Doncic play at guard and he can easily score against his opponents whenever he wants to. Doncic is the top-scoring player for the Dallas Mavericks but this doesn’t make him arrogant. He’s unselfish, and that is what makes him a versatile player and different from others.

Doncic is averaging 8.3 assists per game, this season and averaged 8.0 assists per game in his entire career.

  • Nikola Jokic:

When Nikola Jokic was a newcomer, he played a role of a traditional big man for the Denver Nuggets. Though, as time passed, many opportunities came his way. He transformed his game to become a more lethal NBA big.

Nikola Jokic

Nikola Jokic is also known as “Joker” in the NBA world. In basketball, the centers are usually in charge of blocking shots, scoring inside the paint, and grabbing rebounds.

Jakic is a versatile player. He can shoot, secure boards, play defense, facilitate play, and attack the paint. Being a multitasker he is totally unpredictable when he’s on the ground, and it creates a kind of fear in the opponent. If anyone resists Jokic taking offense, he can effortlessly become the primary ball handler and promote the offense for his team.

Jokic is averaging a double-triple this season, and a career-high 9.9 assists per game, average.

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