Kareem Abdul Jabbar is an Underrated Legend?

Kareem Abdul Jabbar is an Underrated Legend?

Kareem Abdul Jabbar is an Underrated Legend?

Kareem Abdul Jabbar is an Underrated Legend?

Kareem Abdul Jabbar is an Underrated Legend?

Kareem Abdul Jabbar ruled the NBA for almost 39 years with the title of the all-time scoring record holder, but on Tuesday the NBA got a new face for this title who is none other than LeBron James. Kareem Abdul Jabbar set the feat in April 1984, but at that time he was not talked about enough as compared to other players like him, Michael Jordon, Magic Johnson, and Hakeem Olajuwon.

Jabbar is indeed one of the finest players NBA could have. Jabbar’s game didn’t get enough fame for what he deserved. He actually deserves more recognition, praise, and fame, than he receives.

Why Jabbar seems underrated 

Kareem Abdul Jabbar has many accomplishments and records in his name, even though he owned the best all-time scoring record for decades. But still, he seemed an underrated player. The estimated reason for saying this is, he had a career spanning from 1969 to 1989, and at that time NBA was not as popular as it is in today’s time. Jabbar is quite introverted, frigid, and reserved in nature and this is another reason for his being an underrated legend. Though he’s not just a scorer but a fine passer too, being a one-dimensional player somewhere took his charm off.

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