Jedi Survivor: How To Get Commander Outfit In Star Wars

Star Wars Jedi Survivor now offers enhanced customization options, allowing you to change your outfit and freshen up your character’s appearance. One of the available outfits is the Commander Outfit, which adds a menacing touch to your look. If you’re tired of the same old attire and seek a more immersive experience while exploring the planets and locations of Star Wars, follow the steps outlined in this guide to acquire the Commander Outfit.

How to Find All Parts of the Commander Outfit in Star Wars Jedi Survivor
The Commander Outfit in Jedi Survivor consists of three parts that need to be located to assemble the complete outfit. Here are the three parts you need to find:
Commander Pants
Once you have acquired all three parts, you can combine them to create the Commander Outfit. Let’s delve into more detail on where you can find each of these parts.
Commander Shirt
The Commander Shirt can be obtained from Doma’s shop on Koboh, where it is available for purchase. However, you will need Priorite Shards to buy it. The Commander Shirt also comes with a Commander Shirt Material, allowing you to customize its color in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.
Commander Jacket
The Commander Jacket requires a bit more effort to obtain, as you need to find the Commander Jacket Material separately. Both items can be found in two chests, with each chest containing either the Commander Jacket or the Commander Jacket Material. The first chest is located at Meditation Point in the Anchorite Base, situated in Arid Flats along a path near a rocky wall. The second chest is located at the Loading Gantry, and reaching it will require some climbing. Refer to the provided image to pinpoint its exact location on the map.
Commander Pants
Similarly to the Commander Jacket, the Commander Pants and Commander Pants Material can be found in two chests. Each chest may contain either the Commander Pants or the Commander Pants Material. The first chest can be found at the highest point in Arid Flats, although reaching it may take some time. The second chest, located in the Loading Gantry, is in a different spot than the earlier Commander Jacket chest. Refer to the image provided to locate it precisely. To access this chest, you’ll need to trigger a mechanism and launch yourself up to a secret room.

How to Change the Color of the Commander Outfit
To customize the color of the Commander Outfit, you will need the corresponding Commander Material for each part. For example, to change the color of the Commander Shirt, you need the Commander Shirt Material. Make use of these materials to personalize your Commander Outfit in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.
That’s how you can acquire the Commander Outfit in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Enjoy your new look!
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