How To Make A Sleeping Bed In The Sons Of Forest?

How To Make A Sleeping Bed In The Sons Of Forest?

How To Make A Sleeping Bed In The Sons Of Forest?

You would eventually need to build a bed to sleep in because Sons of the Forest includes fully dynamic day and night cycles. In this game, it can get spooky at night. It is significantly darker than nights in other games, and a lot of adversaries emerge during the night. Build a base with four walls where you can safely sleep if you wish to survive in this merciless forest. Let’s look at how to construct a bed for sleeping.

In Sons of the Forest, not much is needed to construct a bed. You won’t have to go very far to find the materials. The following materials are required in order to construct a bed:

  • Duct tape1 
  • Sticks 16 

You must first locate these goods. You can find sticks by simply looking about on the ground next to trees. Additionally, you can get them by simply chopping down small trees with your axe and gathering the sticks it drops.

Now, there are more than sticks involved in finding duct tape. The loot crates that are distributed over the map must therefore be found. These loot containers are frequently discovered next to ruined or deserted campsites or close to hostile outposts. You may now construct a bed.

Here is what you need to do when you have obtained these items and have returned them to your base. Use the “X” key to open your guidebook, then select the furnishings tab. The bed’s blueprint is shown here. Place the Bed wherever you’d like to now. Now that you have a bed, you can rest there tonight.

You don’t need to know anything else about constructing a bed in Sons of the Forest. Check out our other articles for more instructions like this one.

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