How to Customize Your Lightsaber in Star Wars Jedi Survivor?

How to Customize Your Lightsaber in Star Wars Jedi Survivor?

How to Customize Your Lightsaber in Star Wars Jedi Survivor?

How to Customize Your Lightsaber in Star Wars Jedi Survivor

If you’re a Star Wars fan and playing Jedi Survivor, you might be wondering how to customize your Lightsaber. Thankfully, it’s not too difficult once you’ve unlocked Workbenches. In this guide, we’ll show you step-by-step how to unlock the Workbenches and how to customize your Lightsaber colors and design in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.

How to Unlock Workbenches in Star Wars Jedi Survivor?

How to Unlock Workbenches in Star Wars Jedi Survivor

The first step to customizing your Lightsaber in Star Wars Jedi Survivor is to unlock Workbenches. This can be done early on in the game by progressing through the story until you reach Coruscant. Once you’ve reached Coruscant, you’ll have the option to unlock Workbenches and begin customizing your Lightsaber.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: How to Customize Your Lightsaber?

Once you’ve unlocked Workbenches, you can start customizing your Lightsaber. To do so, head to the back of the Mantis Ship where you’ll find a workbench. Select the Lightsaber option on the customization screen and you’ll be presented with a range of different designs that you’ve unlocked.

How to Customize Lightsaber Colors?

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: How to Customize Your Lightsaber colors

One of the coolest features of Lightsaber customization in Star Wars Jedi Survivor is the ability to change the color of your Lightsaber. To do so, select the color option on the customization screen and choose from a variety of colors, including classic Star Wars colors like blue and green, as well as more exotic colors like orange and yellow.

Experimenting with Lightsaber Design

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Lightsaber handles and design

In addition to customizing your Lightsaber color, you can also experiment with different handles and component designs. While these won’t affect gameplay, they can add a personal touch to your Lightsaber and make it truly unique.

Unlocking More Components for Lightsaber

As you progress through the game, you’ll have the opportunity to unlock even more components for your Lightsaber, giving you even greater options for customization. Keep an eye out for workbenches scattered throughout the levels or search chests around the map to unlock new designs.

Customizing your Lightsaber in Star Wars Jedi Survivor is a great way to add a personal touch to your gameplay experience. With a range of colors and designs to choose from, you can create a Lightsaber that’s truly unique to you. So unlock those Workbenches and start customizing today!

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