How Many Blocks are in Minecraft 2022

How Many Blocks are in Minecraft 2022
The Popular Sandbox Game, Minecraft, was developed by Mojang. Minecraft is a building game in which players use their imagination to optimize 2D pixels to create beautiful things in 3D. Moreover, players also can create things like SMPs, Gigantic Builds, RPG Realms, Redstone Machines, etc. To make things in Minecraft, you will need blocks and fortunately, Minecraft has a library filled with numerous types of Blocks and items. Each block has its different functionality. Therefore, we are including a guide that tells how many blocks are in Minecraft.
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How Many Blocks are there in Minecraft? (2022)
There are approximately 820 Blocks in Minecraft which are divided into 4 categories and each block has a unique quality. Here are the 4 categories present in Minecraft for these blocks:
- Building
- Decoration
- Redstone
- Transportation

With every update in Minecraft, the number of Blocks increases while categories remain the same. Since its release, there are no upgrades in categories. Therefore, it may be possible that we may witness another category addition in the forthcoming future in Minecraft. It will be a good chance to enhance its reputation.
Let’s get back to the discussion. Here is the list of 820 Blocks in their respective category.
Building Blocks in Minecraft
- Acacia Fence
- Acacia Log
- Acacia Planks
- Acacia Slab
- Acacia Stairs
- Acacia Wood
- Ancient Debris
- Andesite
- Andesite Slab
- Andesite Stairs
- Andesite Wall
- Barrel
- Beehive
- Basalt
- Bedrock
- Birch Fence
- Birch Log
- Birch Planks
- Birch Slab
- Birch Stairs
- Birch Wood
- Bookshelf
- Blackstone
- Blackstone Slab
- Blackstone Stairs
- Blackstone Wall
- Brick Slab
- Brick Stairs
- Brick Wall
- Bricks
- Campfire
- Chest
- Chiseled Nether Bricks
- Chiseled Polished Blackstone
- Chiseled Stone Brick
- Cobblestone
- Cobblestone Slab
- Cobblestone Stairs
- Cobblestone Wall
- Composter
- Crimson Fence
- Cracked Nether Bricks
- Cracked Polished Blackstone Bricks
- Cracked Stone Brick
- Crimson Hyphae
- Crimson Planks
- Crimson Slab
- Crimson Stairs
- Crimson Stem
- Crying Obsidian
- Dark Oak Fence
- Dark Oak Logs
- Dark Oak Planks
- Dark Oak Slabs
- Dark Oak Stairs
- Dark Oak Wood
- Jungle Fence
- Jungle Logs
- Jungle Planks
- Dark Prismarine
- Dark Prismarine Slab
- Dark Prismarine Stairs
- Diorite
- Diorite Slab
- Diorite Stairs
- Diorite Wall
- End Stone
- End Stone Brick Slab
- End Stone Brick Stairs
- End Stone Brick Wall
- End Stone Bricks
- Gilded Blackstone
- Glowstone
- Granite
- Granite Slab
- Granite Stairs
- Granite Wall
- Infested Chiseled Stone Bricks
- Infested Cobblestone
- Infested Cracked Stone Bricks
- Infested Mossy Stone Bricks
- Infested Stone
- Infested Stone Bricks
- Jungle Stairs
- Jungle Wood
- Oak Door
- Oak Fence
- Mossy Cobblestone
- Mossy Cobblestone Slab
- Mossy Cobblestone Stairs
- Mossy Cobblestone Wall
- Mossy Stone Brick Slab
- Mossy Stone Brick Stairs
- Mossy Stone Brick Wall
- Mossy Stone Bricks
- Nether Brick Fence
- Nether Brick Slab
- Nether Brick Stairs
- Nether Brick Wall
- Nether Bricks
- Oak Log
- Oak Planks
- Oak Slab
- Oak Stairs
- Oak Wood
- Scaffolding
- Obsidian
- Polished Andesite
- Polished Andesite Slab
- Polished Andesite Stairs
- Polished Basalt
- Polished Blackstone
- Polished Blackstone Brick Slab
- Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs
- Polished Blackstone Brick Wall
- Polished Blackstone Bricks
- Polished Blackstone Button
- Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate
- Polished Blackstone Slab
- Polished Blackstone Stairs
- Polished Blackstone Wall
- Polished Diorite
- Polished Diorite Slab
- Polished Diorite Stairs
- Polished Granite
- Polished Granite Slab
- Polished Granite Stairs
- Prismarine
- Prismarine Brick Slab
- Prismarine Brick Stairs
- Prismarine Bricks
- Prismarine Slab
- Prismarine Stairs
- Prismarine Wall
- Quartz Bricks
- Quartz Pillar
- Quartz Slab
- Quartz Stairs
- Red Nether Brick Slab
- Red Nether Brick Stairs
- Red Sandstone Slab
- Red Sandstone Stairs
- Red Sandstone Wall
- Red nether Bricks
- Sandstone
- Sandstone Slab
- Sandstone Stairs
- Sandstone wall
- Smoker
- Smooth Quartz Block
- Smooth Quartz Slab
- Smooth Quartz Stairs
- Smooth Red Sandstone
- Smooth Red Sandstone Slab
- Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs
- Smooth Sandstone
- Smooth Sandstone Slab
- Smooth Sandstone Stairs
- Smooth Stone
- Smooth Stone Slab
- Soul Campfire
- Spruce Fence
- Spruce Log
- Spruce Planks
- Spruce Slab
- Spruce Stairs
- Spruce Wood
- Stripped Acacia Log
- Stone
- Stone Stairs
- Stripped Acacia Wood
- Stripped Birch Log
- Stripped Birch Wood
- Stripped Crimson Hyphae
- Stripped Crimson Stem
- Stripped Dark Oak Log
- Stripped Dark Oak Wood
- Stripped Jungle Log
- Stripped Jungle Wood
- Stripped Oak Log
- Stripped Oak Wood
- Stripped Spruce Log
- Stripped Spruce Wood
- Stripped Warped Hyphae
- Stripped Warped Stem
- Warped Fence
- Warped Slab
- Warped Stairs
- Wared Stem
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Decorative Blocks in Minecraft
- Acacia Leaves
- Acacia Sapling
- Allium
- Acacia Sign
- Anvil
- Azure Bluet
- Bamboo
- Bamboo Shoot
- Beetroots
- Bee Nest
- Birch Leaves
- Birch Sapling
- Blue Ice
- Blue Orchid
- Birch Sign
- Blast Furnace
- Block of Iron
- Bone Block
- Brain Coral
- Brain Coral Block
- Brain Coral Fan
- Brown Mushroom
- Brown Mushroom Block
- Bubble Coral
- Bubble Coral Block
- Bubble Coral Fan
- Cactus
- Carrots
- Carved Pumpkin
- Cartography Table
- Cauldron
- Chain
- Chipped Anvil
- Chorus Flower
- Chorus Plant
- Clay
- Coal Ore
- Coarse Dirt
- Cobweb
- Cocoa
- Cornflower
- Crimson Fungus
- Crafting Table
- Crimson Nylium
- Crimson Roots
- Dandelion
- Crimson Sign
- Damaged Anvil
- Dark Oak Leaves
- Dark Oak Sapling
- Dead Brain Coral
- Dark Oak Sign
- Dead Brain Coral Block
- Dead Brain Coral Fan
- Dead Bubble Coral
- Dead Bubble Coral Block
- Dead Bubble Coral Fan
- Dead Bush
- Dead Fire Coral
- Dead Fire Coral Block
- Dead Fire Coral Fan
- Dead Horn Coral
- Dead Horn Coral Block
- Dead Horn Coral Fan
- Dead Tube Coral
- Dead Tube Coral Block
- Dead Tube Coral Fan
- Diamond Ore
- Dirt
- Emerald Ore
- Farmland
- Fern
- Fire Coral
- Fire Coral Block
- Fire Coral Fan
- Fletching Table
- Flower Pot
- Furnace
- Gold Ore
- Grass
- Grass Block
- Grass Path
- Gravel
- Haybale
- Grindstone
- Honey Block
- Honeycomb Brick
- Horn Coral
- Horn Coral Block
- Horn Coral Fan
- Ice
- Iron Bars
- Iron Ore
- Jungle Leaves
- Jungle Sapling
- Jungle Sign
- Kelp
- Lapis Lazuli Ore
- Large Fern
- Ladder
- Lantern
- Lava
- Lilac
- Lily of the Valley
- Lectern
- Lily Pad
- Magma Block
- Melon
- Lodestone
- Loom
- Melon Stem
- Mushroom Stem
- Mycelium
- Nether Gold Ore
- Nether Quartz Ore
- Nether Sprouts
- Nether Wart
- Nether Wart Block
- Netherrack
- Oak Leaves
- Oak Sapling
- Orange Tulip
- Oak Sign
- Oxeye Daisy
- Packed Ice
- Peony
- Pink Tulip
- Podzol
- Poppy
- Potatoes
- Pumpkin
- Pumpkin Stem
- Red Mushroom
- Red Mushroom Block
- Red Sand
- Red Sandstone
- Red Tulip
- Redstone Ore
- Respawn Anchor
- Rose Bush
- Sand
- Sea Lantern
- Sea Pickle
- Seagrass
- Shroomlight
- Smithing Table
- Snow
- Snow Blocks
- Soul Lantern
- Soul Sand
- Soul Soil
- Sponge
- Spruce Leaves
- Spruce Sapling
- Sugar Cane
- Spruce Sign
- Stonecutter
- Sunflower
- Sweet Berry Bush
- Tall Grass
- Tall Seagrass
- Tube Coral
- Tube Coral Block
- Turtle Egg
- Twisting Vines
- Vines
- Warped Fungus
- Warped Roots
- Warped Wart Block
- Warped Hyphae
- Warped Sign
- Water
- Weeping Vines
- Wet Sponge
- Wheat Crops
- White Tulip
- Wither Rose
Redstone Blocks in Minecraft
- Acacia Button
- Acacia Door
- Acacia Fence Gate
- Acacia Pressure Plate
- Acacia Trapdoor
- Activator Rail
- Birch Button
- Birch Door
- Birch Fence Gate
- Birch Trapdoor
- Block of Redstone
- Daylight Detector
- Dispenser
- Dropper
- Lever
- Crimson Button
- Crimson Door
- Crimson Fence Gate
- Crimson Pressure Plate
- Crimson Trapdoor
- Dark Oak Button
- Dark Oak Fence Gate
- Dark Oak Pressure Plate
- Dark Oak Trapdoor
- Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate
- Hopper
- Iron Door
- Iron Trapdoor
- Jungle Button
- Jungle Door
- Jungle Fence Gate
- Jungle Pressure Plate
- Jungle Trapdoor
- Note Block
- Oak Button
- Oak Fence Gate
- Oak Pressure Plate
- Oak Trapdoor
- Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate
- Spruce Button
- Spruce Door
- Spruce Fence Gate
- Spruce Pressure Plate
- Spruce Trapdoor
- Stone Button
- Stone Pressure Plate
- Light Weighted Pressure Plate
- Observer
- Piston
- Redstone Comparator
- Redstone Lamp
- Redstone Repeater
- Redstone Torch
- Redstone Wire
- Sculk Sensor
- Sticky Piston
- Trapped Chest
- Tripwire Hook
- Warped Button
- Warped Door
- Warped Fence Gate
- Warped PlanksBirch Pressure Plate
- Warped Pressure Plate
- Warped Trapdoor
Transportation Blocks in Minecraft
- Boat
- Boat with Chest
- Detector Rail
- Minecart
- Minecart with Chest
- Minecart with Furnace
- Minecart with TNT
- Powered Rail
- Rail
That’s all we have to include as of now in this guide on how many blocks are in Minecraft. You can keep reading our guides like How to make an observer in Minecraft for more knowledge about the game.