How Demeo creates a friendly environment for multiplayer gaming

How Demeo creates a friendly environment for multiplayer gaming

How Demeo creates a friendly environment for multiplayer gaming

Playing online multiplayer games can be a frustrating experience, often due to toxic behavior from other players. However, Demeo, a cooperative tabletop VR game, has managed to create a friendly environment where players genuinely help each other out and strategize together. In a recent interview with Tommy Palm, the CEO of Resolution Games, the developer behind Demeo, we learned how the game’s unique gameplay and community have contributed to its success.


Demeo’s unique gameplay style:

Demeo’s gameplay style differs from other online games, especially twitch online shooters, where players are often at odds with each other. Demeo’s long cooperative gameplay sessions create a sense of togetherness among players, and the slow pace of the game allows players to learn to know each other during the adventure. This effect has not waned even after the many free updates and campaign additions, which have further created an environment where cooperation and cordiality thrive.

Cooperative gameplay:

One of the most significant factors contributing to Demeo’s friendly environment is its cooperative gameplay. The game’s latest campaign addition features a truly challenging enemy that requires players to work together instead of charging ahead as a lone hero. There are moments when someone’s heroic actions can come in clutch and save everyone, which often creates an authentic feeling of “magically slipping through.” This wouldn’t be possible without the right crowd playing Demeo, consisting mostly of adults with little free time to spare, who want to relive the glory days of childhood role-playing games.


Demeo’s community is similar to nerd culture, where people love each other no matter what they look or sound like, or where they come from. The game’s populace consists mostly of adults who want to relive their childhood gaming experiences, ensuring that play sessions are taken seriously, and people are there to have a good time.

Free-to-play games:

Free-to-play multiplayer games can be a breeding ground for toxic behavior, often due to children playing the game who haven’t learned proper manners. However, this can also be true for adults who never learned how to treat others with respect. Free-to-play games create other challenges for developers, such as strange reviews and ratings from players who may not be the game’s target audience. However, not all free-to-play games are like this.

Blaston and Tinyverse:

Resolution Games Blaston, a free-to-play player vs. player game, has a very polite player base that even fists bumps and chats with the other player after being defeated. Additionally, Resolution Games has created social-only spaces, such as Heroes Hangout in their “Tinyverse,” where players can join up and paint mini-figures, play arcade games, or listen to music. These social spaces are excellent for building a community and creating a friendly environment.

Demeo has been successful in creating a friendly environment for multiplayer gaming due to its unique gameplay style and community. By emphasizing cooperation and creating a community similar to nerd culture, Demeo has managed to avoid the toxicity that often plagues other online games. Additionally, Blaston and Tinyverse show that free-to-play games don’t always have to be riddled with toxic behavior and that developers can create social spaces to build a community and create a friendly environment.

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