Horrific Call During Wednesday Game By Umpire CB Bucknor

Horrific Call During Wednesday Game By Umpire CB Bucknor

Horrific Call During Wednesday Game By Umpire CB Bucknor

Baseball fans have been feeling sad now that a match has ended on a botched call by the umpire. In today’s game between the Pittsburgh Pirates and Milwaukee Brewers, the Brewers were behind 5-4 in the ninth inning while they were visiting. They had a runner on base, and William Contreras was at a 3-2 count, meaning one more pitch could decide the game.

The Pirates’ pitcher, Richard Bednar, threw a cutter that was clearly way outside the strike zone. However, the umpire, CB Bucknor, called it a strike, which resulted in Contreras getting out and the game ending.

Many baseball fans, especially Brewers fans, were very upset about this call and expressed their anger on social media.

“What pitch was the ump looking at?” one user wrote in response to Dominic Cotroneo.

“Anybody that is still anti robo umps still, after these daily home plate occurrences, isn’t watching baseball on a daily basis,” wrote another.

“I think the worst part is, CB actually had a pretty good zone for the most part today. A few here and there, but in the biggest moment… ugh,” Cotroneo wrote later.

Calls like this are definitely going to give the pro-robo-umpire crowd a lot more ammunition.

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