Guide to switching Arrows In The Elden Ring?

Guide to switching Arrows In The Elden Ring?

Guide to switching Arrows In The Elden Ring?

Guide to switching Arrows In The Elden Ring?

While some want to battle in close combat and get intimate with the opponent, many would rather maintain their distance and take them out from a safe distance. If you play this way, and especially if you have a ranged character, you may be wondering how to switch between arrows and bolts in Elden Ring. Knowing this is crucial since each type of arrow has a different effect on foes and deals different damage. A simple switch from a weaker to a stronger arrow might mean the difference between life and death in a game like this.

How to Switch Arrows in Elden Ring:

  • PS players: Arrow Type 1 (R1), Arrow Type 2 (R2)
  • Xbox players: Arrow Type 1 (RB), Arrow Type 2 (RT)
  • PC players: Arrow Type 1 (LMB), Arrow Type 2 (LMB + Shift)

Elden Ring does not immediately allow you to switch arrows, in contrast to other games that do. What you can do is assign buttons to two different kinds of arrows so that you can use them as necessary.

Up to two different types of arrows can be equipped by each player. One might be ordinary arrows, while the other might be flaming arrows.

  • Press and hold LB to aim while holding your bow (L2/LT), and use the right stick to fine-tune the aim.
  • To shoot an arrow of type 1 or type 2, press R1/RB or R2/RT.
  • Enter the Equipment menu and choose the slot you want to equip. They will essentially be in your character’s Light and Heavy Attack slots.
  • Equip the better or more advantageous arrows in the appropriate slot and shoot them by pressing the corresponding button as you unlock them.

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