Guide To Find All Weapon Unlock Levels In Warhammer 40K Darktide.

Warhammer 40K Darktide game has a collection of weapons for you to unlock at new levels. And with those newly unlocked weapons, you can easily defeat your enemies. In this action game, you will have to face many strong monsters, and you will have to kill them to go to a new level.
Each and every class has excellent weapons that unlock at specific levels, so it’s important for you to know which class holds which weapons. In this article, we will help you to guide about each and everything, regarding the weapons and their level of unlocking.
Psyker Psykinetic All Weapon Unlock Levels
Level One
MG Mk II Heavy Laspistol
Mk I “Devil’s Claw” Sword
Level Two
Mk I Infantry Autogun
Mk III Shredder Autopistol
Mk II Combat Axe
Mk III Combat Blade
MG Ia Infantry Lasgun
Mk II Duelling Sword
Mk II Blaze Force Sword
Level Four
Mk III Headhunter Autogun
Level Five
MK III Trauma Force Staff
MG IV Infantry Lasgun
Level Seven
Mk IIa Quickdraw Stub Revolver
Level Eight
Mk VIII Infantry Autogun
Mk VIII Combat Axe
Mk VI Surge Force Staff
Level Ten
Mk VI Ia Recon Lasgun
Veteran Sharpshooter Weapon Unlock Levels
Level One
MG Ia Infantry Lasgun
MG IV Infantry Lasgun
Munitorum Sapper Shovel
Level Two
Mk I Infantry Autogun
Mk VIII Infantry Autogun
Mk IIa Quickdraw Stub Revolver
Mk III Shredder Autopistol
Mk II Combat Axe
Mk III Combat Blade
Level Three
Mk V Combat Axe
Mk III Headhunter Autogun
Level Four
MG XII Infantry Lasgun
Mk I “Delia’s Claw” Sword
Level Five
Mk VIII Headhunter Autogun
Mk I Helbore Lasgun
MG Mk II Heavy Laspistol
Level Six
Mk II Tactical Axe
Mk V Infantry Autogun
Level Seven
Mk II Braced Auogun
Mk II Helbore Lasgun
Mk IV “Devil’s Claw” Sword
Level Eight
Mk VIII Combat Axe
Mk VI Combat Shotgun
Level Nine
Mk VII “Devil’s Claw” Sword
Level Ten
Mk IV Assault Chainsword
Mk VI Ia Recon Lasgun
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