Guide to Defeat Ice-type Pokemon in Battle

Pokemon Go is an AR-based E-Game developed and published by Niantic Inc. It was initially released in July 2016 and is available on multiple gaming platforms including iOS, Android mobiles, and iPad OS. This game is popular among the Pokemon Series FanBase as it has achieved a rating of 4.2/5 on Google Play and 4/5 on Apple Store. In this game, one of the main key features is the Pokemon’s typing. There are a total of 18 typings in the game and in this article, I am going to share information about Ice-Type Pokemon (one of 18 typings).
Introduction of Ice-Type Pokemon
There are 43 Ice-type Pokemon species (counting those being Ice-type in at least one form). There are 44 regular forms and 2 Mega Evolution, 17 of them are purely Ice-type. These are as follows:
1. Sandshrew Alolan
2. Sandslash Alolan
3. Vulpix Alolan
4. Ninetales Alolan
5. Dewgong
6. Cloyster
7. Mr. Mime Galarian
8. Jynx
9. Lapras
10. Articuno
11. Sneasel
12. Swinub
13. Piloswine
14. Delibird
15. Smoochum
16. Castform Snowy
17. Snorunt
18. Glalie
19. Mega Glalie
20. Spheal
21. Sealeo
22. Walrein
23. Regice
24. Snover
25. Abomasnow
26. Mega Abomasnow
27. Weavile
28. Glaceon
29. Mamoswine
30. Froslass
31. Darumaka Galarian
32. Darmanitan Galarian
33. Vanillite
34. Vanillish
35. Vanilluxe
36. Cubchoo
37. Beartic
38. Cryogonal
39. Kyurem
40. Amaura
41. Aurorus
42. Bergmite
43. Avalugg
44. Avalugg Hisuian
45. Crabominable
46. Mr. Rime
Strategies to Defeat Ice-Type Pokemon
There are a total of Three fighting-types that can easily defeat Ice-type Pokemon in a battle. These are 1. Fire, 2. Rock, and 3. Steel. If you have a Pokemon of these fighting-type in your team. Then, you can defeat the Ice-type Pokemon easily.
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