Guide to Get and Use Poes in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Guide to Get and Use Poes in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Guide to Get and Use Poes in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Guide to Get and Use Poes in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Tears of the Kingdom is the sequel to the Legend of Zelda game, Breath of the Wild. It was released on May 12, 2023, and is developed and published by Nintendo. In this article, I am providing you with an informational guide that will help you to get and use Poes in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. This guide includes an introduction and the steps to get Poes in the game. So, make sure you read till the end for complete information.

Introduction of Poes and Steps to Get in Zelda: TOTK

Poes are the keys that appear as blue spirit orbs in the game. Mostly, these are found in depths (underground areas of the game). Poes are not difficult to find but if you are new to the game mechanics, then it’s a little tricky for you. You don’t need to worry as here you will be able to find it easily.

As I mentioned above that Poes are available in depths. So, to enter this area, you need to open a paraglider in the red-marked area (aka, Chasm). Once you enter the Depths, now keep looking for your first Poes (there is no fixed location but it isn’t that hard to find it though). And as soon as you find the group of Poes, go closer and press the ‘A’ button to add it to your inventory.

Uses of Poes in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Bargainer Statue
Bargainer Statue

Now, you have them. Let’s move forward to their uses in the game. The first use is you can trade them for items as listed below:

  • Bomb Flower: 16 Poes
  • Puffshroom: 16 Poes
  • Muddle Bud: 16 Poes
  • Dark Clump: 10 Poes

You can trade the Poes to Bargainer Statue which is located near the Lookout Landing Skyview Tower. Here are the coordinates for your reference -0253, 0141, 0020.

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