Free Fire Season 45 Elite Pass Pre-Order Price and more

Garena Free Fire has released a new Elite Pass for Season 45 which it generally does at the start of every month, and being expensive vanity items players consider this pass to get the items rather than getting them from the in-game store.
Now that the Season 44 Elite Pass is going to begin soon, the pre-orders have already commenced from which they will get legendary awards on buying the Elite Pass for Season 45.
Theme and The Pre-Order Details:
The theme is the Papyrus Rebel Theme on which the Season 45 Pass is based, the pre-orders have been commenced from today till 31st January 2022 and the interested players can get their hands on the 999 Diamonds’ Elite Bundle to get Pan-Swan Bundle. Additionally, there are several advantages of it like it is providing 50 extra badges to exchange many rewards.
The expiry date of the pass is till 1st February and gamers can get the pas for 499 Diamonds or 999 Diamonds (Elite Pass).
Rewards (Leaked) with the Elite Pass:
The Graena free Fire has told about 2 confirmed rewards those are: Platinum Odette Bundle and Silver Rothbard Bundle. Since the rewards for the Elite Pass season 45 is not confirmed yet the leaked rewards’ list looks like this:
- 0 Badges: Pickup Truck – Whirl of Swan
- 15 Badges: Ice Feathers Hoodie
- 80 badges: SKS – Whirlwind Crease
- 100 Badges: Embrace Skyboard
- 125 badges: FAMAS – Whirlwind Crease
- 150 Badges: Swan Embrace Loot Box
- 180 badges: Wrapped Feathers Backpack
- 200 Badges: Smooth Sway emote
Steps To Pre-Order:
STEP 1: The gamers are required to open the Elite Pass section and select the ‘Pre-Order’ button.
STEP 2: Next they just have to tap on the blue button for pre-ordering the Bundle and get the purchase confirmed.
NOTE: It is necessary for the users to know that the rewards for the Elite Pass Season 45 are not confirmed they are just leaks.