FFVII Remake Intergrade’s Red XIII 3D Billboard Wins Tokyo Advertising Award.

FFVII Remake Intergrade’s Red XIII 3D Billboard Wins Tokyo Advertising Award.

FFVII Remake Intergrade’s Red XIII 3D Billboard Wins Tokyo Advertising Award.

The Tokyo Outdoor Advertising Association (TOAA) has awarded the FFVII Remake Intergrade Red XIII 3D billboard its top honor for the 2021-2022 period. The award, called the Tokyo Governor Award, was given to the billboard that went up in Tokyo’s Minato Ward from December 20, 2021, to January 2, 2022.

Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII

What is the Tokyo Outdoor Advertising Association (TOAA)?

The Tokyo Outdoor Advertising Association (TOAA) is an advertising industry public interest organization sponsored by Tokyo’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It consists of various companies and groups involved in creating and placing billboards, neon light displays, traffic ads, and other forms of outdoor signage.

The association aims to coordinate its members’ operations, allowing development without excessively impacting the “scenic beauty and aesthetics” of Tokyo. The Tokyo Outdoor Advertising Contest is held every two years and recognizes outdoor advertising works that exhibit “excellent design” and “are in harmony with the scenery of Tokyo.”

What is Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade?

Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade is a game available on PS5 and PC. It is a remake of the original Final Fantasy VII game that was released on the PlayStation in 1997. The remake features updated graphics, gameplay, and story elements.

What is the FFVII Remake Intergrade Red XIII 3D Billboard?

The FFVII Remake Intergrade Red XIII 3D billboard is a large display atop a building in Tokyo’s Minato Ward. It features the Final Fantasy VII character Red XIII rendered as if present inside the 3D “box” above the building. The billboard was visible from December 20, 2021, through January 2, 2022.

Why did the FFVII Remake Intergrade 3D billboard win the Tokyo Governor Award?

The Tokyo Governor Award was given to the FFVII Remake Intergrade Red XIII 3D billboard because it exhibited “excellent design” and was “in harmony with the scenery of Tokyo.” The spectacle of the massive leonine creature Red XIII running from Shinra helicopters was in keeping with the look of the city.

Other 3D Billboard Ads

Other 3D billboard ads seen lately include ones for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet and for a new season of Gundam Evolution. These ads also feature updated graphics and dynamic elements, making them stand out from traditional static billboards.

In conclusion, the FFVII Remake Intergrade Red XIII 3D billboard has won the Tokyo Governor Award for its excellent design and harmony with the scenery of Tokyo. The Tokyo Outdoor Advertising Association recognizes outdoor advertising works that exhibit these qualities, and the FFVII Remake Intergrade 3D billboard was able to meet these standards. This award demonstrates the importance of creating outdoor advertising that is not only visually appealing but also blends well with the environment.

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