Everything to Know About Free Fire Max: Date of Origin, Origin Country, and More

Since the worldwide famous game, Free Fire has been banned in India among other 53 applications. The players and content creators are shaken because of this big news. The gamers were facing some issues in login into their Free Fire accounts through the Apple App Store and later on the Google Play Store too.
The applications were banned on 14th February but a similar game app Free Fire Max did not get banned piling up a huge heap of confusion among the users, fans, and many others.
Country of Origin of Free Fire Max and More:
Since Free Fire is a Chinese app and has been banned with the other 53 apps. But Free Fire Max didn’t because if we talk about its technical part the game is an enhanced version of Free Fire only and has been used worldwide by the beta tests in certain regions.

The game was launched in September 2021 and was distributed by the parent company Sea Limited, Singapore. Since both, the game is interlinked through the Firelink technology so the players can download the app from the stores.
Since the game was removed on 12th February from the Apple App Store so it might a thing of suspicion that the players will get to have their account or not.
The payers are required to know that Tencent, a Chinese company has a stake of 18.7% in Garena.