Epic Games Developing a No-Build Version of Fortnite for Testing

Epic Games Developing a No-Build Version of Fortnite for Testing

Epic Games Developing a No-Build Version of Fortnite for Testing

Fortnite, one of the most popular battle royale games, may soon have a version where the building is strictly off-limits. This news was discovered by Fortnite dataminers on Twitter, who found out that Epic Games, the game’s developer, is currently testing a “Zero Build only version of Fortnite” in Japan.


Zero Build Version

This new version of Fortnite is a zero-build mode, meaning that players will not be able to construct structures such as walls, ramps, and roofs. Fans of the game’s zero-build mode are thrilled by this prospect, as it allows for more varied gameplay and strategy.

EDP Controversy

However, the codename that Epic Games has given this standalone project, FortniteEDP, has caused some controversy. EDP is slang for “someone who would do anything for a cupcake,” which seems innocent enough. However, the origins of this definition are tied to a YouTuber named EDP who was caught on camera attempting to meet up with an underage girl. He tried to excuse his behavior by claiming that they were going to get a cupcake. This association has caused some concern among the game’s fanbase.

History of Zero Build Mode

The decision to remove the building from Fortnite entirely was made about a year ago, during a trial period. Although some players did not enjoy the mode, enough people loved it that various zero-build modes were added permanently. As the game continues to evolve, more modes and ways to play are being developed. A first-person mode is also nearing completion.

Fortnite’s popularity continues to grow, and Epic Games is always looking for new ways to appeal to a broader audience. While the zero-build mode may not be for everyone, it offers a fresh take on the game’s core mechanics and allows for more varied gameplay. However, it remains to be seen how the EDP controversy will affect the game’s development and reception. As always, Epic Games will be listening closely to feedback from their players and fans.

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