Elden Ring: Simple Guide to Ordina Liturgical Town Barrier Puzzle

Elden Ring‘s Ordina Liturgical Town is a hidden ghost town found in the western region of the Mountaintops of the Giants. To access this secret spot, players need both parts of the Haligtree Medallion and must raise it at the Grand Lift of Rold.
Though the town appears empty, enemies emerge once you enter its Evergaol. Solving the puzzle here breaks the barrier guarding a Waygate to the Haligtree Canopy Site of Lost Grace in Elden Ring. This guide will help players tackle the Ordina Liturgical Town puzzle in Elden Ring.
Finding Ordina Liturgical Town in Elden Ring

Located north of the Inner Concentrated Snowfield Site of Lost Grace, Ordina Liturgical Town can be reached by heading north from the Snowfield bonfire in Elden Ring.

After encountering ruined buildings, go northwest to find the town’s Site of Lost Grace. Beware of the Albinauric Wolfback Archers guarding the entrance.

Activate the Site, head northeast, and take two staircases before turning right. Take a left, follow the path, and continue forward to reach the Elden Ring Evergaol.
Solving the Ordina Liturgical Town Barrier Puzzle in Elden Ring

Players must light four candles to break the seal. Some candles are guarded by enemies, while others aren’t.
First Candle

From the Evergaol, go northwest and jump off the balcony onto the snow. Move northwest, turn left, climb the ladder hidden within the stone walls, and light the first candle.
Second Candle

From the Evergaol, head southwest, jump off the balcony to the lower floor, and continue in the same direction to find a staircase.

Jump onto the railing, go right, stay on the railing, and drop down near a ladder. Climb the ladders and light the second candle.
Third Candle
From the second candle, look right, jump onto the roof below, and head northeast across the rooftops. Climb the ladder on the left on the last rooftop and light the third candle.

Two Albinauric Wolfback Archers are on the rooftops. Use an Elden Ring shield to block their arrows and defeat the archer guarding the ladder.
Fourth Candle

From the third candle location, go southwest, jump off the roof, turn left, and find the fourth candle. Be cautious of the invisible Black Knife Assassin. Equip the Sentry’s Torch to spot the Assassin.

Once all four candles are lit, the barrier disappears, allowing Tarnished to use the Waygate.
Elden Ring can be played on PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, and Xbox One and Series X|S.
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