Donald Trump Pulls Epic Prank On Papa John After Golf Round

Former United States President Donald Trump pulled an epic prank on the famous Papa John’s, John Schnatter, after a golf round years ago.
On Wednesday’s episode of “Pardon My Take” hosted by Big Cat and PFT Commenter, shared a funny story about how Donald Trump pulled a prank on the famous pizza entrepreneur Papa John’s several years ago.
PFT Commenter aka Eric Sollenberger explained, “Throughout the round, Papa John started busting Trump’s balls for cheating, starting calling him out on some stuff.”
“By the end of the round, they get to the clubhouse, and Trump had told his guys to order Pizza Hut pizzas for everyone in the clubhouse. And he handed one to Papa John.”
We have to give this one to Trump who pulled a great prank on a pizza restaurant chain owner Papa John.
Unfortunately, there’s no actual video footage of the incident to watch.
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