DeAndre Hopkins Getting Contract Offer From the Patriots

DeAndre Hopkins Getting Contract Offer From The Patriots

DeAndre Hopkins Getting Contract Offer From The Patriots

DeAndre Hopkins Getting Contract Offer From the Patriots
DeAndre Hopkins

In May DeAndre Hopkins after he got released from Arizona Cardinals and became a free agent. Since then Hopkins hasn’t got any contract offer from any NFL team. 

Early this week Hopkins visited the Tennesse Titans. According to a reporter, the meeting went well. Hopkins sure got offered a deal from the Titans. But nothing comes from the player. 

On Thursday, DHop visited the New England Patriots. The ESPN reporter Jeremy Fowler said the meeting between Hopkins and the Patriots ended on a good note.

Despite Hopkins getting out of the conference room without signing any contract. Said he was in no rush and will take his time. On the other side of the table, no news came out from the Patriots officials as well about getting things done between the player and the franchise. 

Though the reporter assured the fans that soon there will be a signing deal. Hopkins posted a photo of him and Matthew Judon inside New England’s locker room, which is also getting all the fan’s hopes high.

Hopkins posted on his Instagram a photo of Matthew Judon captioned “La Familia”.

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