Chhattisgarh Cricket team, Chhattisgarh livescore, schedules, results, player stats, player records
# Player Role
T20 Players
1Ashutosh SinghAshutosh Singhbat
2Ajay MandalAJ Mandalall
3Shubham SinghS Singhall
4Shashank ChandrakarS Chandrakarwk
5Prateek YadavP Yadavall
6Vijay YadavV Yadavbowl
7Gagandeep SinghGagandeep Singhall
8Aayush PandeyA Pandeybat
9Mayank YadavM Yadavbowl
10Prashant Sai PainkraP S Painkrabowl
11Vasudev BarethV Barethall
12Dev Aditya SinghD A Singhbowl
13Pratham JachakP Jachakbat
14Harsh YadavHarsh Dhanraj Yadavbowl
15Rahul PradhanR Pradhanwk
16Sangeet SoniS Soniwk
17Ashish DahariyaA Dahariyabat
18Gaurav ChaturvediG Chaturvedibat
Lista Players
1Amandeep KhareA Kharebat
2Shashank SinghShashank Singhall
3Harpreet Singh BhatiaHS Bhatiabat
4Ravi KiranM Ravi Kiranbowl
5Sumit RuikarS Ruikarbowl
6Eknath KerkarE Kerkarwk
7Ashutosh SinghAshutosh Singhbat
8Ajay MandalAJ Mandalall
9Shubham AgarwalSS Agarwalbowl
10Shashank ChandrakarS Chandrakarwk
11Sanjeet DesaiSJ Desaibat
12Sanidhya HurkatS Hurkatbat
13Bhupen LalwaniB Lalwanibat
14Anuj TiwaryA Tiwarybat
15Sourabh MajumdarS Majumdarbowl
16Prateek YadavP Yadavall
17Gagandeep SinghGagandeep Singhall
18Vishvas MalikVishvas Malikbat
19Aayush PandeyA Pandeybat
20Mayank YadavM Yadavbowl
21Aayush Singh ThakurA Thakurbat
22Prashant Sai PainkraP S Painkrabowl
23Ashish ChouhanA Chouhanbowl
24Jivesh ButteJ Buttebowl
Firstclass Players
1Amandeep KhareA Kharebat
2Shashank SinghShashank Singhall
3Ravi KiranM Ravi Kiranbowl
4Eknath KerkarE Kerkarwk
5Rishabh TiwariRishabh Tiwaribat
6Ashutosh SinghAshutosh Singhbat
7Ajay MandalAJ Mandalall
8Shubham AgarwalSS Agarwalbowl
9Sanjeet DesaiSJ Desaibat
10Bhupen LalwaniB Lalwanibat
11Anuj TiwaryA Tiwarybat
12Vishvas MalikVishvas Malikbat
13Vashudev BarethV Barethbat
14Ashish ChouhanA Chouhanbowl
15Jivesh ButteJ Buttebowl
16Ayush PandeyA Pandeyall
T10 Players
T100 Players

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We may have video highlights news for some Chhattisgarh matches, but only if they play their match in one of the most popular Cricket leagues. Chhattisgarh previous match was against Odisha in Chhattisgarh T20, match ended with CHT won by 7 wickets. Chhattisgarh fixtures tab is showing last 10 football matches with statistics and win/draw/lose icons. There are also all Chhattisgarh news from schedule matches that they are going to play in the future.

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